
Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
This band's excellent high-energy performance blew me away last Saturday night at Sidelines Rocks Live! It was great meeting lead vocalist Billy who is an awesome singer a la James Rivera of Helstar and Destiny's End fame, and who also has a commanding stage presemce, but isn't afraid to have fun up there, as well. I loved everything they played, and the new stuff simply SHREDS! They really rocked my musical world! I also got to meet their dynamic drummer after the show and congratulated him on a great performance. Billy was even gracious and classy enough to introduce me to the crowd and wish me happy birthday greetings from the stage! Way to go, y'all! You've just made another die-hard fan for life! I can't recommend this band highly enough to all of you out there! Hail ALD!:worship:rock::kickass:
I dont know what it is about them, but I just cant get it into them.

Neither could I (as much) until I saw them on stage. These guys are most definitely a 'live' band. Then I heard the new material from their forthcoming Black Marys album. I knew at that moment that I had to work with them.

But thanks so much 7thSaviour for giving A Lower Deep such a great response. yeah, I saw you up there headbanging and throwing horns throughout their set! I hope you really enjoyed your birthday celebration! I was very happy to be a part of it. :)

Hope you can make it out to more of my shows at Sidelines. We have a great one coming up on Dec 29th to include Patrick's power/thrash metal project Eclipsed by Sanity. Hope to see you and your friends there!

Thanks so much Clay. We enjoyed meeting you brother and glad you and your crew had a good time. See ya on Jan 5!

Hoyt you told me you messed your pants on first listen (one of those managers that will say anything :p)

Biffle, we love ya anyway bro ;-) You are a big supporter of the scene and of course you can't love every band, we understand that, we are abit different, but we appreciate your support of this genre of bands. And hey we're like moss, we might just grow on you, ha.
I have seen them many times in the past few months, but Saturday was absolutely their best performance. They're a tight band and very comfortable with the stage. That type of chemistry only comes with time spent playing together, working on their chops, and polishing their sound. They've put in a lot of hard work and it shows.
Neither could I (as much) until I saw them on stage. These guys are most definitely a 'live' band. Then I heard the new material from their forthcoming Black Marys album. I knew at that moment that I had to work with them.

But thanks so much 7thSaviour for giving A Lower Deep such a great response. yeah, I saw you up there headbanging and throwing horns throughout their set! I hope you really enjoyed your birthday celebration! I was very happy to be a part of it. :)

Hope you can make it out to more of my shows at Sidelines. We have a great one coming up on Dec 29th to include Patrick's power/thrash metal project Eclipsed by Sanity. Hope to see you and your friends there!

I hope you got the PM I sent you yesterday, Rider. Thanks again for everything! I had a wonderful birthday celebration, thanks in large part to all you guys! :kickass:You assured me before ALD went on that I'd dig 'em, and you were right!:headbang: I can't make the 12/29 show due to holiday functions, but I will do my best to make the 1/05 gig. I really wanna hear EBS play ASAP. Rock on!:headbang:
Thanks so much Clay. We enjoyed meeting you brother and glad you and your crew had a good time. See ya on Jan 5!

Hoyt you told me you messed your pants on first listen (one of those managers that will say anything :p)

Biffle, we love ya anyway bro ;-) You are a big supporter of the scene and of course you can't love every band, we understand that, we are abit different, but we appreciate your support of this genre of bands. And hey we're like moss, we might just grow on you, ha.
Billy, once again, you and your band rocked hard last show! It was great meeting you as well, my friend! I plan on being there for the 1/05 show. Rock on! BTW, when will Black Marys be available and how do I order my copy?:headbang:
HEHEHEHEHEHE Nothing but a bunch of Alabama rednecks that play some of the best metal around, in fact they have coined a new genre of metal- REDNECK THRASH hehehehe. Love you guys, and can't wait for the new album and a chance to see you live.
Billy, once again, you and your band rocked hard last show! It was great meeting you as well, my friend! I plan on being there for the 1/05 show. Rock on! BTW, when will Black Marys be available and how do I order my copy?:headbang:

Black Marys is close to being ready for release, it is with the manufacturer now. If all goes well, we'll have CD release parties in Birmingham and Atlanta at the end of January. We'll have an exact release date within the next couple of weeks.
Black Marys is close to being ready for release, it is with the manufacturer now. If all goes well, we'll have CD release parties in Birmingham and Atlanta at the end of January. We'll have an exact release date within the next couple of weeks.
Right on, man! Best of luck with album sales and the upcoming tour! See ya soon!
HEHEHEHEHEHE Nothing but a bunch of Alabama rednecks that play some of the best metal around, in fact they have coined a new genre of metal- REDNECK THRASH hehehehe. Love you guys, and can't wait for the new album and a chance to see you live.

"Rednecks??!!" Dem der is fightin words! And actually we have moved up the culture ladder and relocated our base of operations to Hotlanta, so now we'll be ironing and pressing our overalls :loco:

J-Man we love you brother and thank you for all you do for the scene. See you soon.

"Rednecks??!!" Dem der is fightin words! And actually we have moved up the culture ladder and relocated our base of operations to Hotlanta, so now we'll be ironing and pressing our overalls :loco:

J-Man we love you brother and thank you for all you do for the scene. See you soon.


WOOOOHOOOOOO now you be's high class REDNECKS, Billy you guys rock and again hope to see you soon :headbang::headbang::headbang:
Thanks so much Clay. We enjoyed meeting you brother and glad you and your crew had a good time. See ya on Jan 5!

Hoyt you told me you messed your pants on first listen (one of those managers that will say anything :p)

Biffle, we love ya anyway bro ;-) You are a big supporter of the scene and of course you can't love every band, we understand that, we are abit different, but we appreciate your support of this genre of bands. And hey we're like moss, we might just grow on you, ha.

Maybe if I ever get the chance to see you guys live then I might change my mind.
Hope you can make it out to more of my shows at Sidelines. We have a great one coming up on Dec 29th to include Patrick's power/thrash metal project Eclipsed by Sanity. Hope to see you and your friends there!


If I'm not working on 12/29, I will definitely be at the show. I haven't been to a Pathfinder show since Virgin Black, so now that I'm back home and have access to a car I really want to make it up there.
"Rednecks??!!" Dem der is fightin words! And actually we have moved up the culture ladder and relocated our base of operations to Hotlanta, so now we'll be ironing and pressing our overalls

Great! Immigrant rednecks. That's all we need here in Atlanta. Man we need to build a better wall on the border. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Actually, glad to have A Lower Deep join us out here. Most definitely an entertaining group of individuals. Both on and off the stage.