A note from the Drivers...


PPUSA Driver o' Doom!!!!!
Apr 25, 2003
Atlanta, Ga
In 3 weeks the best N. American festival is going to happen and everyone will be happy, it will be awesome. But this year, I would like to make a request from everyone.

The entrance line for the venue curves around in front of the exit for the parking garage, as well as the entrance/exit for the loading docks. As many of you repeat attendees are aware, there is a 15-person van that is constantly pulling in and out. That van is driven by Patrick or me, depending on which band is arriving or departing. When pulling out, we cannot see you. Our blind-spot is huge because our mirrors are looking at the ceiling of the parking garage. On top of that, the ability to slowly pull out is next to impossible, due to the angle of the floor and the size of the van.

It is my request, that when the van is parked there, to either keep an eye for back-up lights, or just not stand behind it. More often than not, we do not have anyone assisting us in the back up, and as you will see with traffic on W. P'tree street, we have a small window to get on the road without causing an accident, particularly during rush hour (2pm-6pm). So please, pretty please, keep your eyes and ears open, if you are standing there. Nothing is worse than being in a hurry and trying to avoid hitting someone we cannot see, if there is someone there.

Thank you,
Lara - Driver o' Doom
I'd like to think that I am 100% responsible for this post... ...Or at least 99.99999% responsible. :)

Edit: Totally said without even reading the other replies.

Damn. LOL.
Buy some traffic cones or some shit and set them up so people get the hint. Just a suggestion, have you thought of something similar to keep people out of your hair?
Buy some traffic cones or some shit and set them up so people get the hint. Just a suggestion, have you thought of something similar to keep people out of your hair?

If I had use for traffic cones year round, and didn't have to deal with the venue staff moving them, maybe. But once a year, not worth it. Easier to just ask people to pay attention and make them aware of the fact that I cannot see them.
Thank God for this thread. Anyone that notices us backing up at any given time, feel free to play traffic director for us and tell people to get out of the way. As Lara basically said, W. Peachtree can be a bit of a pain in the ass at various times.
It'd probably be just as much of a pain in the ass, but could you back down the hill when you arrive, and pull out facing forward, up the hill?
How 'bout everybody just gets their heads out of their asses and pays attention like the lady asked?:hotjump::headbang:
I'll gladly come out and assist if Glenn can get someone to take over my stage duties! lol
It'd probably be just as much of a pain in the ass, but could you back down the hill when you arrive, and pull out facing forward, up the hill?

I have considered that, might make a test run Wednesday, if possible. But that still requires people to get out of the way and I'm not sure if the sidewalk is wide enough for me to do that without pulling into the street (probably not a huge deal given no one trying to get out of the parking lot at the same time).

At any rate, this thread isn't about suggestions, trust me, I've considered almost everything out there and we've already tried some of it. This just ends up being the last feasible idea. *shrugs*
I do recall assisting a certain van driver last year with making sure a few band members would stop talking to people and get in the van. And then yelling at people to get out of the way....but maybe that was in a dream....in another life...
I do recall assisting a certain van driver last year with making sure a few band members would stop talking to people and get in the van. And then yelling at people to get out of the way....but maybe that was in a dream....in another life...

:Smug: well we didn't exactly say 'no one' helped us out at various times last year, we're just asking for more cooperation and help this year.
:Smug: well we didn't exactly say 'no one' helped us out at various times last year, we're just asking for more cooperation and help this year.

Particularly in regards to hanging out in our blind spots and acting like a big van is not trying to pull out of, or in to, the loading dock. :D

Anyway, that's about all that needs to be said on the subject.