A Perfect Circle and Danny Carrey

Bleak Eyes

Jun 16, 2003
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After the A Perfect Circle show in D.C., there was a line outside the backstage door with people waiting for the band to come out and meet with them. The line was not that large by far. After a long while I heard people shouting "Maynard" and he must have walked right into his tour bus. I could not see the bus because it was parked in an alley and the line was on the side of the venue. Then, a little bit after that, people started shouting "Billy" and he must have done the same thing as Maynard. After we realized that there was no way in hell we would meet Maynard or Billy, we walked across the street near Danny Carrey's bands RV and waited for him. After a very long time, one of the members in his band walks out, stumbling around a bit, is asked if Danny is in there drinking and he said he was. As much time passed, Danny came out and signed some stuff, but seemed very distant. He DOES NOT take pictures with fans for some stupid ass fucking reason. When I got his autograph, I asked him why he doesn't do it and he either said he doesn't do anything indimidating or limiting. I personally think that's the most fucking ignorant thing. I was trying to talk to him, but he really seemed like he just wanted to go, so he shook my hand again and said something, but I was so pissed that I don't even remember what the fuck he said. He just wanted to leave really badly. I will never purchase any liscensed items that A Perfect Circle or Tool release. Why the fuck would I want to buy shit from them when they can barely acknowledge the people who give them their jobs. In Maynard and Billy's case, don't asknowledge any of these people at all.
what do u expect? tool is a fuckin weird band PROBABLY cuz its led by a fuckin weird guy. certain celebrities are just unpredictable around fans and the press.
I tend to give them benefit of the doubt, maybe they aren't good with people or are having a bad night.

They Might Be Giants was quite dualistic: John Flansburgh shook my hand repeatedly, signed everything I had and talked to me for a while and thanked me for joining TMBG unlimited (I was wearin' me fleece) but John Linnell hid quickly and I barely managed to catch as Edge pointed him out...
I would never hang around to see the band... EVER. Even if it was the Pope playing with some rock band live.

Why do you really even care about taking pictures with him or getting his autograph? He's a musician that gets through life with his music, and chances are, he's the anti-social type of guy. Let him be man. If you like his music, then buy his records; dont get mad that he didnt give you a some picture with him... not worth it. :p
No other bands seem to have problems with meeting with their fans. It feels nice to meet and greet with some of your favorite musicians and to have some sort of memory besides the momories in your head.
Funeral Portrait said:
what do u expect? tool is a fuckin weird band PROBABLY cuz its led by a fuckin weird guy. certain celebrities are just unpredictable around fans and the press.

they are extremely fuckin weird, i woudl expeect nonetheless from them. still one of my fav bands
what the hell is an average tool fan? i own all theyre albums...does that make me one? and if so...uh, lets see, my plans for tomorrow: hang out with girlfriend in the day, then from about 7pm on ill be partying with my buds watchin the new slayer dvd and gettin drunk. doesnt sound too anti-social to me! :kickass: :headbang:
Static said:
ps. thats not my opinion...

hahahha good addition.

I own Opiate through Lateralus (and it says "Lateralis" still so you know I bought it opening day :p) and Salival, and a t-shirt and a hoodie. I've no desire to go harass Maynard, Adam, Justin or Danny though.

Despite my freakish knowledge of them that won me a can of pringles and cd album.
I saw them two days ago and Danny was doing the same thing. He was very cool and approachable. He was probably just having a bad night. What are you so pissed off about? Not acknowledging their fans? He didn't have to come out and talk to you. He didn't have to give you his autograph. This guy goes out and tours, plays his heart out every night, and then goes the extra mile and comes out and talks to the fans when he obviously doesn't feel like doing it, and then you complain because he wouldn't get a picture taken with you. And they're the ones who are arrogant? Get a fucking grip on yourself. If there were people like you waiting outside my tour bus I wouldn't want to come out and talk to you either.