A year ago,

I don't know what to say really, my thoughts are with Mike's family, Ol, Matt, Ben and Joel, it's been a difficult year but the lads have done everyone proud and I am sure Mike would be so excited at where Evile are at now,

RIP Mike, I still miss you and I am honoured that I got to know you and I will never forget all the laughs we shared and also for inviting me on stage to headbang with you

Big love to everyone who is feeling the pain, I will raise a glass tonight and toast his memory
"It was a time before a time... When men were men and women were men too."
"And cats would meow... In te night."
"And cows would go moo..."
Always cracks me up:lol:

R.I.P. Mike
i remember so well where i was when i heard the news...
it was just before i had to work, i was smoking a cigarette. then my best friend sent me a text that mike passed away...

i couldn't believe it, you could tell that if you had seen my face.

i've never met him too, but he will always have my respect and love for what he did with Evile.

damn :'( it's been a long time ago that i have actually cried
R.I.P Mike. i'm honoured an proud to have met him. I will never forget shaking his hand an speaking with him even though it was only for a few mins an buying enter the grave off him. having a few cans tonight to remember him. Cheers
Had a bunch of drinks with some friends for him today. It's been really, really fucking difficult but I just feel honoured to be able to call him a friend - I miss him more than anything but Mike wouldn't want me to be a crying little pussy about it forever.