Adamantra and Tuomas Nieminen part ways - search for a new singer is on!

Hofu blacK

Groundshaking Bastard
May 8, 2011
Vantaa, Finland
An era has come to its end, as lead vocalist Tuomas Nieminen discontinues his duties in Adamantra.

Band leader, bass guitarist Jukka Hoffrén sums it up:

"Although feeling a bit blue now, we intend to look forward. This decision has not been easy, but we feel it to be the right one nonetheless. Since day one, Tuomas has trodden a long road with us - now our paths separate for a fresh start. Tuomas is up there with the very best of Finland's heavy metal vocalists, and we wish him nothing but the best in life and his musical journey. We are now hoping to swiftly discover a new vocalist, in order to wrap up the upcoming album."

Right now, it is time to turn a new page of Adamantra history with a new lead vocalist. That position is now open - everyone who feels himself worthy to fill Tuomas' formidable boots can apply. Three tracks from the upcoming Adamantra album can be heard at their myspace or rverbnation. Sample audition material can be sent to

Adamantra debut album 'Revival' was released in 2009, receiving considerable acclaim from the prog metal audience and critics alike. Led by producer Mikko P. Mustonen at Pathos Music Studio, the band is currently working on its next full-length release.