Agalloch in Atlanta

This was one hell of a show. I'd like to thank Glenn, Progpower and this forum for introducing me to yet another band I did not know existed.
Amazing show. I was planning on watching a song or two by Agalloch and then cutting out early... but I was so blown away by the musical integrity on display and the superb sound mix that I stayed for their entire set. "Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires" was a standout to me.

Ichabod plays bass in Loss? Ahh cool. Guess I should listen to that band then.

Yeah, and he is an excellent bass player. It was weird to see him in an entirely different setting than I am used to, but he nailed it.
Loss was absolutely amazing. I love that band. They haven't been to Atlanta since 2006 so I've been looking forward to this show for a while and they did not disappoint.

I've never been a fan of Agalloch but they played a very good set. I didn't care for the later songs of the set very much, which I think was the older material, but I did enjoy everything else.

I thought Worm Ouroboros was cool at first, but overall I didn't get into them. I was prob still riding high after Loss anyway. They weren't bad at all, just not what I was in the mood for at the time, so I'll check them out again sometime.
I've never been a fan of Agalloch but they played a very good set. I didn't care for the later songs of the set very much, which I think was the older material, but I did enjoy everything else.

The first 3 songs were from the 2 recent albums.

The 4th song was old.

The 5-7 songs were from the 2 recent albums.

The 2 encore songs were old.

I thought Loss were pretty good as well-- looking forward to the May release.

Agalloch set:
Intro: They Escaped the Weight of Darkness
Into the Painted Grey
Falling Snow
The Watcher's Monolith
Of Stone, Wind, and Pillor
Ghosts of the Midwinter Fires (introduced by Haughm as his favorite from the new album, and possibly his favorite Agalloch number)
Our Fortress Is Burning-- Bloodbirds

Dead Winter Days
In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion
This was one hell of a show. I'd like to thank Glenn, Progpower and this forum for introducing me to yet another band I did not know existed.

It was one of the best-sounding shows I've seen in at least a year. Give that house sound-guy a medal!

I was VERY impressed with Agalloch, and also Loss. I went in as a casual Agalloch fan and left a devoted one.

After Agalloch dedicated their last song to Loss and said they were honored to have a chance to play with them and finally see them, I figured John, our friend from Loss, would be flying pretty high....and I was right. :kickass:
Cool, I think I was just behind you, and to your left.

During the show I kept thinking "if only I could have brought my camcorder in to record this show for posterity, because it NEEDED to be." :)