Aggressive metal - your recommendations please

King Fear

Straight Outta Blashyrkh
Apr 12, 2002
Lhasa, Tibet
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Lately, I find myself listening a lot to thrashy, aggressive metal and I'm wondering if you guys could give me some more band recommendations along the lines of those listed below. I'm aware that none of these albums even touches Slayer's "Reign In Blood" when it comes to sheer aggression (except maybe for Strapping), but please note that 80s thrash is *not* what I'm looking for - I'm talking about stuff with a more modern sound.

Strapping Young Lad - SYL
Strapping Young Lad - No Sleep 'til Bedtime
Machine Head - Burn My Eyes
Machine Head - Through The Ashes Of Empires
Dew-Scented - Inwards
Dew-Scented - Impact
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Shadows Fall - The Art Of Balance
The Haunted - The Haunted
The Haunted - Made Me Do It
The Haunted - One Kill Wonder

Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel...For an iron age (not actually that modern sounding production wise, but very aggressive Blackened Thrash, amazing riffs and pure adrenaline throughout - think Kreator mixed with Testament mixed with Immortal and you're along the right lines) :worship:

Testament - The Gathering (Simply awesome, Dave Lombardo on drums, Chuck Billy's most aggressive vocal performance, fits well with the other albums you mentioned)

SYL - City :worship:

Death - Symbolic :OMG:

Grimfist - Ghouls of Grandeur (quite a new one this, fast and aggressive, kind of like pantera on speed and gone death metal - Horgh on drums, Peter Tagtgren production - nice)

I could go on but i won't, that should be enough to get your teeth into for the time being :D
The Crown - Possessed 13
Invocator - Weave The Apoclaypse
Dissection - Storm of the Lights Bane
Suffocation - Pierced From Within
Desultory - Bitterness
At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul

Some are from the mid 1990s, and some are thrashy death. But none of it sounds like 80s thrash.
There's nothing more aggressive than 80s thrash...why not that? Have you heard Sadus or Dark Angel? How about German stuff like Sodom & Destruction? And Iced Earth's Burnt Offerings is one of the best combinations of aggression and melody I've ever heard.

\m/ to Destroyer 666. I can't think of any metalcore (judging by your list, that's what you want), but try out that Dark Angel. Darkness Descends rips the shit out of any and all Slayer, let alone The Haunted.

Forsaken is a pretty good modern thrash band.
Darkane - Rusted Angel
Terror 2000 - Slaughterhouse Supremacy
Detonation - An Epic Defiance
Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Pyrus said:
Five words, buddy: Darkness Descends and Eternal Nightmare. Brutality is arguable, but for sheer rip-your-face-off aggression, nothing can beat German & Bay Area thrash.

Six more words: Agent Orange and Bonded By Blood.

One word: Idiot.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
Dew-Scented gets me pissed. Not because they suck or anything, it's just loud and fast and angry.
I actually like Dew Scented a lot. It is extremely heavy half-thrash that borders on death metal, quite frequently incorporating blastbeats and tremelo picking.
Well, thank you all for your help, it is very much appreciated. I'm sure there's some good stuff in there for me. Two comments, though:
I can't think of any metalcore (judging by your list, that's what you want)
Tell me please, which bands from my list - with the exception of maybe Shadows Fall - are "metalcore"?
There's nothing more aggressive than 80s thrash...why not that?
Just because I wasn't asking for it. In fact, I have nothing against 80s thrash (and I listen to a lot of the music you mentioned as well), and neither did I intend to start a discussion on what's more aggressive, it's simply that I was asking for newer bands, that's all.