Albums similar to Nevermore


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
It's a strange thing... the more albums they release, the more bands that could be put in the same genre/category as them.

S/T is a strange one, Power-Thrash, kinda old-school, and yet there is nothing out there quite like "What Tomorrow Knows" or "CBF".

Politics... The only reference i can come up with is Psychotic Waltz, especially the song ...And the devil cried, fucking awesome band, and POE is a fucking awesome album... and yet there is nothing quite like it, nothing that i could put in the same category as it, except maybe putting it somewhere near Megadeth's Rust in Peace and Metallica's ...And Justice for all...

In Memory... Iced Earth, especially Something Wicked, something in the production i think, because the music is not that similar except that "middle eastern" riff in one of the songs at the end of the trilogy, which sounds like it could have been somewhere in Matricide for some reason.

Dreaming Neon Black. Iced Earth again, moreso than before, and maybe Forbidden too. Although somewhat darker and doomier than either band, and then again somewhat thrashier, and still some prog influence, especially on the guitars. The "Loomis Riffs" are still 100% nevermore, but the "Calvert Riffs (eg: Beyond within, definate calvert riff)" have somewhat of an older-style thrash/prog feel to them, like old forbidden, or maybe even Symphony X or Testament here and there...

Dead Heart in a Dead World. Totally Parallel with what Iced Earth are doing now, Horror Show. I love Horror Show now, i used to hate it with a passion, but it grew on me, and it's now a great album to me... the production on these two albums is just so similar that it's almost freaky... soooo squashed, and yet the vocals are done so well on both records... I also see a bit of new-era Testament in some of the riffs, although the Seven String scares me, alot of the "Loomis-Prog(tm)" Feel to his playing is hidden in the boomy, lower and slower riffs... still some cool stuff though, inside four walls is classic.
How on earth are iced earth more commercial than nevermore? Dead Heart in a dead world is much much more accessible than Horror Show...??
I like to think of Nevermore being one of the most unique bands out there and that there really is no other band that sounds like them. But then again, it's been a while since I've listened to any Iced Earth, so I'll have to compare these albums now.
Originally posted by Trapped
How on earth are iced earth more commercial than nevermore?
uhh have you heard the 3 newest IE albums? totaly simplified, balads all over the place, retarded fantasy lyrical concepts that all the europeans go friggin nuts over, AND not good. except the somthing wicked trillogy.

Originally posted by Trapped
Dead Heart in a dead world is much much more accessible than Horror Show
thats becuase horror show fucking sucks hahaha.
Originally posted by DracWell
Excuse me. But I am SOOO damn tired of everybody saying that this or that band is commercial. Every damn band that releases their music is commercial. You couldn't sell it otherwise.

I am sorry you feel that way. But you know, there are shades of gray. It's not as black and white as you think - commercial or non-commercial, bit on or off. You seem to think it's like this: Release your music (be commercial) or don't (be non-commercial). Shades of gray my friend, shades of gray. It is not unreasonable to call Iced Earth's latest 3 albums commercial, especially as you compare them to their first three albums.

Strictly black and white thinking works in some cases (and might be even beneficial), but unfortunately this case is not one of them.