Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem


Jan 3, 2003
Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Planning on seeing this over christmas/new years vacation.

I have to admit that I'm going in just a wee bit a cynic I'm sure this second movie, much like the first, would be much better with less bad acting and crappy dialogue. Just let them fight it out and destroy everything while doing it. :p But, with that being said....I did enjoy AvP.
Planning on seeing this over christmas/new years vacation.

I have to admit that I'm going in just a wee bit a cynic I'm sure this second movie, much like the first, would be much better with less bad acting and crappy dialogue. Just let them fight it out and destroy everything while doing it. :p But, with that being said....I did enjoy AvP.

Hellz yeah! I'm quite excited about this movie. It'll be just what I need after all the Christmas madness. :)

I want to see Hitman as well. Too bad I can't pull that one off. Oh well.

The Michael