All here who love NVRMR...


Sep 10, 2001
not there
check this new sample from hollow.

Hollow is a great prog/power band in the veins of middle Queensryche with two exceptional albums, and EP and some demo songs. Currently, though, hollow is one man band of the brilliant artist called Andreas Stoltz. Quoting his words from the official site:

I'm providing a rough draft for the next song. After buying Nevermore's latest CD, I thought I'd try mimicking their style a bit. It's hard and as the work progresses I find that it tends to sound more and more Hollow, which hopefully isn't so bad.

and here is the link for the sample song:

Official hollow site:
Why did you abbreviate Nevermore? Just like two more letters and you could've spelled it out.
Agalloch said:
Why did you abbreviate Nevermore? Just like two more letters and you could've spelled it out.
dunno, i abbrvt a lot. But in the end you understood that it was nevermore, right? thats what counts.
O M T F G !

It's M E T A L I Z E D! how are you? haven't seen you in ages...are you still in contact with trapped and/or ledmag? i really wondered what happened to these guys. great to see you anyway :)
hi Narrot. I just had a bit time and thought to drop a line or two.
great to c u too.
I haven't heard from Ledmag a long time and even longer from trapped.

Hey, u can always ask Tee if u want active info on old members. She is the social one of us two ;)

How r u dude?
Hope alright. Ar u still a KOTNO? LOL
metalized said:
I haven't heard from Ledmag a long time and even longer from trapped.

Hey, u can always ask Tee if u want active info on old members. She is the social one of us two ;)

How r u dude?
Hope alright. Ar u still a KOTNO? LOL

Too bad they got 'lost' ...would be great to hear from trapped (ledmag makes a post every now and then here still). I'd talk to tee more often but my icq is regularly crashes after one minute of usage or smth :/.

I'm doing fine, got lots of freetime this month. i spent most of my time listening to music and ordering cds :) .

KOTNO ceased to exist in, dunno, late 2001 or smth, haha. i just never changed my username here and i guess i will not do so in future anyway...

:wave: david
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
Too bad they got 'lost' ...would be great to hear from trapped (ledmag makes a post every now and then here still). I'd talk to tee more often but my icq is regularly crashes after one minute of usage or smth :/.

I'm doing fine, got lots of freetime this month. i spent most of my time listening to music and ordering cds :) .

KOTNO ceased to exist in, dunno, late 2001 or smth, haha. i just never changed my username here and i guess i will not do so in future anyway...

:wave: david
well, they have their own lives/problems like each one of us. We can only wish them well...

About ur ICQ: Format ur PC and install Linux dude. Or at least reinstall windows. Now that u have free time.

I have days off from work as well and although I don't order CDs -- except from what Tee ordered (Reverend Bizarre and TGE) -- I listen to metal and play arround with my mini network here home.

U actually don't need to change ur usrname. It is fine. ;)

Anyways I might be coming back, it is good to talk with ppl I like. (Tee always keeps me posted).

Cheers and a great cold beer of bavarian beer coming right of OctoberFest for you. :wave: Nikos.