America needs 22

someday youre gonna have to explain "facebook" and why?
I'm sorry, I have no idea
what do I care if I'm being "liked" by someone I don't kno:puke:
I can't explain it. I do it because I've been told I have everyone. All kidding aside, from a business perspective it can be an extremely valuable method of creating awareness about your company. In our case, our releases and our mail order business.

From a personal perspective I find it kind of silly. All the people I want to stay in touch with I do. If I haven't heard from you in 35 years I don't need to now. I probably only really know about 10% of my "friends" on my personal page.
not the right place, but i'll ask it anyway
with the future demise of in home cd players,
can you suggest a brand to go with that may need to last a lifetime
at least, my lifetime.
just a cd player
not mixed with dvd, blu rays, etc,please

I'm not sure there are any stand alone CD players being made that aren't part of the high end market. I have no idea what your budget is. I would probably poke around on the second hand market on Audiogon.
Would you believe I came here today to request this same CD?

Love the new Neal Morse and Threshold by the way!!