ANDROMEDA Signs with Inner Wound Recordings


Aug 1, 2002
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Inner Wound Recordings are proud to announce the signing of the Swedish progressive metal band ANDROMEDA to the label for their up-coming album, scheduled for a late 2011 release. More details regarding this album will be made official during the coming month.

Andromeda with severals albums and tours under their belt is definitely one of the most successful progressive metal bands in Scandinavia and
Europe. This fall they've got festival appearances like Generation Prog, Denmark Rock Festival and Slottsskogen goes progressive lined up, and when
the new album hits the shelves many more shows will be announced.

Check out Andromeda online:
New Andromeda album, yay! I hope it's a bit more like II=I or Final Extension though. The Immunity Zone was good, but it doesn't have the staying power of their first three, nowhere near the first two.
What an awesome 4Q list of new realeases...Opeth, Redemption, Leprous and now ANDROMEDA!!! I was also slightly disappointed (only because they have set the bar so high with all of their amazing releases) with Immunity Zone but anything new from these guys makes for an exciting day!!! Skol :kickass:
From :

"Swedish progressive metal band ANDROMEDA will release their new album, Manifest Tyranny on November 25th in Europe through Inner Wound Recordings and in North America on November 21st through Nightmare Records. The album will be released as a regular CD version, in digital formats, as well as a very exclusive wooden box edition, strictly limited to 400 copies worldwide.


A digital single for the track 'Lies ’R’ Us' will be released on October 28th.

Andromeda, with several albums and tours under their belt, is definitely one of the most successful progressive metal bands in Scandinavia and Europe. This fall they've appeared at festivals like Generation Prog, Denmark Rock Festival and Slottsskogen goes progressive, and when the new album hits the shelves many more shows will be announced.


Manifest Tyranny tracklisting;

'Preemptive Strike'
'Lies ’R’ Us'
'Stay Unaware'
'Survival Of The Richest'
'False Flag'
'Chosen By God'
'Play Dead'
'Go Back To Sleep'

Manifest Tyranny can be pre-ordered through the Inner Wound store at this location. "
The band have released the music video for the track 'Preemptive Strike', directed and produced by Patrik Ekeblom and Axel Persson for Holy Smoke Production. Check out the video below:

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Their new bass player is a helluva musician. He's a kickass guitar player as well. He does all the transcriptions for Freak guitar Camp...

They are on my blind buy list....:kickass::headbang:
Hmmm, another band I need to revisit after reading one of these threads. I got Extension of the Wish, wasn't moved, and shelved it. Time to give it one more try!
The singer they had for the original recording of Extension of the Wish was a poor pairing. Once they got David it was a whole nother game. Final Extension damned near isn't the same album.
Not getting into the two songs posted just yet... I bought Extension of the Wish shortly after it came out with Lawrence from Darkane on vocals. Every song on the album was written by Johan (guitarist), and I really wish he had stayed the mastermind and sole writer, but the interviews on the live DVD make it clear they like collaborative writing. I love every second of Extension of the Wish (the album, and obviously the brilliant title track) and think Lawrence did an interesting, unique job that really fit the psychedelic nature of the album. It's really the only non-instrumental psychedelic progressive metal album I know of--people can argue against this classification, but let's just say I know my psychedelia. I own but never listen to the David version, save for the two additional tracks.

David's the kind of guy whose friendly vocal timbre makes aggressive vocals sound very insincere and unnatural to me, kind of like James LaBrie in the '00s when Portnoy was trying to make him sound "more metal." I don't dislike David. He sounds great singing a lot of their material--it's primarily the change in writing I dislike. The new material is obviously quite aggressive from what we've heard... II=I is a solid album, but their style changed a bit since others began writing--they no longer sounded as unique or fresh to my ears. Immunity Zone has only a couple decent tracks. I'm hoping the new one has at least that many... I'll probably order it anyway given that Johan was the guitarist and song-writing mastermind I felt most likely to still be releasing brilliant albums as a prog metal god a la Jim Matheos or John Petrucci some 20+ years down the road. I still have faith he'll at least mastermind a solo album at some point. ;)

I doubt any of you agree with me on any of that... I voiced a similar opinion here several months ago: that Mindflow's best album is their debut, the follow up also very strong, and Destructive Device a horribly simplified, bland attempt at popular metal with every aspect of every song carefully tailored by their new big name producer for maximum accessibility to appeal to more general metal/hard rock fans who find most prog metal boring and overly complex. I don't think anyone agreed with me on any of those points either :lol:
Holy cow, they have the same album with two different vocalists? I had no idea. I have the Lawrence Mackrory version. Hmmm, I guess I'll listen to this one some more and keep in mind that if I like the music but not the vocals, there's another option out there. Weird.