Andy Kaufman not dead?

1) it's been going around as an internet rumour for a while. in fact, this isn't the first time it has surfaced.
2) notice the andy kaufman site links to a "blog" site? no one uses blogs aside from girls and nerds (not saying that kaufman wasn't either).
3) if this was true, you'd be hearing about it SO much you'd be sick of it already. it'd be on every news station, on the radio... or at least on the front page of yahoo or yahoo-news.
4) the link to "yahoo news" that the story is supposedly on is an altered link, differing from the normal link to news stories.
5) nerds have a lot of time on their hands to come up with this sort of bullshit. and if a lot of people somehow start believing it, they will slap hi-fives, knowing that their goal of subversion has worked, that they have "shocked tha world" down to its very foundations. a very nerd-esque idea.

does that answer well enough?
<<1) it's been going around as an internet rumour for a while. in fact, this isn't the first time it has surfaced.>>

True, one promotional campaign for Man in the Moon involved placing posters with the words "Andy Lives" throughout Manhattan...