Any other new cds appealing to you?

i'm waiting for the new Dream Theater to arrive in my mail, will pick up the new Machine Head on friday and can't wait for the new Biohazard, 'Reborn' sounds promising, imo the best Biohazard-song ever, some people think it sounds like Metallica:lol:.
i'm waiting for the new Dream Theater to arrive in my mail, will pick up the new Machine Head on friday and can't wait for the new Biohazard, 'Reborn' sounds promising, imo the best Biohazard-song ever, some people think it sounds like Metallica:lol:.

Too bad they all but broke up just before the release date of Biohazard. Talk about a bad time for shit to hit the fan. I bet their label is loving that one :lol:

I met Evan a few weeks ago. That dude is tiny, I didn't realize it until I met with him. He is now singing for some local so cal band called addicus 7 or some shit I forget the name he said exactly. Will have to check it out
Listening Primus' Green Naygahyde right now (bought combo and God damn American Large T-shirts are LARGE!!!) ...album is good...despite the fact that I miss Herb...Jay sounds very much like him though.

New Opeth is great 70's style of prog album. And I'm really looking forward to hearing new Machine Head (and Mastodon).
Leprous' Bilateral is great avantgarde prog metal album...if you happen to like prog...Devin Townsend, Ihsahn, etc...way...

To be honest whilst I do have Machine Head's newbie and also looking forward to 1000 Needles in Red's debut (local band with lead singer The Butterfly Effect), I only have 1 album on permanent rotation at the moment.

No prizes for which one that is ;-)
Yeah well. They have been "meh" since waht... 1998?

I'm looking forward to the new Machine Head and Megadeth. Right now I'm listening to Polkadot Cadavers "Sex Offender". It came out late spring but whatever...

Colony, Clayman, Reroute and Come Clarity are good albums actually.
Could be even better than Pork Soda...:) YEAH I like it a lot kids like it too...:)

I think I agree. Pork Soda had some great songs but quite a few of the others felt flat. Green Naugahyde however is solid all the way through.
I think I agree. Pork Soda had some great songs but quite a few of the others felt flat. Green Naugahyde however is solid all the way through.

I don't think it's better than Pork Soda, but definitely a good album. What's your favorite song? Last Salmon Man, Moron TV, and HOINFODAMAN are my favorites. The latter is probably the most hilarious song Primus ever wrote. I crack up every time I hear it or read the lyrics.