Any questions for Masterplan or Need?

Is Roland still friendly with the guys in Helloween after the split or does he have nothing but bad comments about them?

Well, if it does any help, you can read Andi's perspective here.

That's quite recent (when the last Helloween album was released), so I guess nothing has changed.

On an interview with Roland (when "Time To Be King" was released - which, unfortunately, I don't have in English) he presented a completely different story though.
I have a few of questions. Each is for George Tzavaras of Need and Roland Grapow of Masterplan.

(1) When did you begin to play guitar?
(2) How long do you practice every day?
(3) Is there anything special that you do before a gig to prepare?
(4) What is your approach to song writing?
(1) When did you begin to play guitar?
(2) How long do you practice every day?
(3) Is there anything special that you do before a gig to prepare?
(4) What is your approach to song writing?

The answers I would love to see...

1. Sometime after lunch. I believe it was a Wednesday.
2. Practice? I have talent!
3. I bring out my guitar and patiently wear everybody down.
4. Copy and Paste.
Well, if it does any help, you can read Andi's perspective here.

That's quite recent (when the last Helloween album was released), so I guess nothing has changed.

On an interview with Roland (when "Time To Be King" was released - which, unfortunately, I don't have in English) he presented a completely different story though.

That was a great interview I have never seen. Thanks for sharing!!