Any thoughts on Brainstorm ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Ya' know.... I saw them at a previous PPUSA and I loved their energy. I bought "Ambiguity" and I threw it in and thought "eh, they are ok" and sort of forgot about them.

Once they were announced to play atPPUSAX, I went and dusted off the disc and gave it a solid listen and I was very impressed. I am a HUGE Metal Church fan (particularly Howe era) and the song "Lost Unseen" was stolen from Vanderhoof's work around the "Blessing in Disguise" era. It is NOT plagiarism by any means and I am not saying they were trying to be Metal Church, but it has the groove of that era MC.
I also was able to really get into Metus Mortis as well. I own all of their discs with Franks on vox, but they seemed to have modernized their style and it is tougher getting into the newer stuff after MM. Don't get me wrong, I like "modern" but not when BS does it. I would love to hear plenty of stuff from their early 2000 work. Any thoughts ?

I am so ready for Brainstorm. I havent seen them before but i love Soul Temptation, Liquid Monster, and the new disc Downburst. Andy won me over with his Symphorce performance, I am so ready.
Is one of those bands I have never paid attention before. Besides the bands I do want to see on PPX, Brainstorm is one among the "others" I want to check, maybe I will become a fan.
Well Brother Biffle.... you are in for a treat. While I prefer the older stuff, Brainstorm is going to rock the house like you won't believe. In fact, if Fates Warning weren't so "legendary" with so much of a stellar back catalogue to feed upon for great songs, I would feel sorry for them having to platy after Brainstorm. They are that good live..... at least when I saw them.


I am so ready for Brainstorm. I havent seen them before but i love Soul Temptation, Liquid Monster, and the new disc Downburst. Andy won me over with his Symphorce performance, I am so ready.
Well... you know.... YOU are my ORIGINAL BROTHER.... Brother Vern and I will not only introduce you to Brother Biffle, (Who is a fun guy, though he has to wear a pink hat this year) but recommend you try the "oldschool" Brainstorm with "Ambiguity" and Metus Mortis."


Is one of those bands I have never paid attention before. Besides the bands I do want to see on PPX, Brainstorm is one among the "others" I want to check, maybe I will become a fan.
Brainstorm is definitely one of those bands that is much better live than in the studio. I'd recommend that anyone who thought they were just "eh" when listening to a CD stick around for the set.
Well... you know.... YOU are my ORIGINAL BROTHER.... Brother Vern and I will not only introduce you to Brother Biffle, (Who is a fun guy, though he has to wear a pink hat this year) but recommend you try the "oldschool" Brainstorm with "Ambiguity" and Metus Mortis."


I didnt know I had to wear a pink hat?!?! Was that from the Friday pm/Saturday am party we had? Seriously I dont think I have ever stayed up drinking til 8 am, now that is fucking metal :headbang:!!
Last year, we were at the Granada bar outside the door with my Vans off of my foot holding the door open, while we were smoking. I made a comment about you wearing a hat. You stated something about "I only wear a black hat" and I made a reply about it should be pink. Come on you little pecker !! I am 15 years older than you. :lol: You have to remember this stuff. You told me that you would wear a pink hat next year. So this year..... it is time for you to wear thepink hat.


I didnt know I had to wear a pink hat?!?! Was that from the Friday pm/Saturday am party we had? Seriously I dont think I have ever stayed up drinking til 8 am, now that is fucking metal :headbang:!!
Last year, we were at the Granada bar outside the door with my Vans off of my foot holding the door open, while we were smoking. I made a comment about you wearing a hat. You stated something about "I only wear a black hat" and I made a reply about it should be pink. Come on you little pecker !! I am 15 years older than you. :lol: You have to remember this stuff. You told me that you would wear a pink hat next year. So this year..... it is time for you to wear thepink hat.


I think I remember that now actually. You bring the hat I will wear it all day one day.:loco::loco:
I think Symphorce is WAAAAAAAY better than Brainstorm, but I'm still psyched to see them. I think they've been going downhill since Soul Temptation, though.
I think Symphorce is WAAAAAAAY better than Brainstorm, but I'm still psyched to see them. I think they've been going downhill since Soul Temptation, though.

I actually like Andy Franck better in Symphorce as well. I picked up cheap copies of Soul Temptation and Downburst and I think that they are both OK cds, but nothing that gets me particularly excited to see them.
I've like Brainstorm since "Hungry" was reccommended to me by one of the guys @ Impulse. (Not Q, it was either Steve or Jeff)
Last time @ PP, I thought Brainstorm slayed. I like the Symphorce stuff as well.....
Brainstorm are one of the few power-metal bands I reallly like. Probably due to the 'rawer' vocal sound, I dunno. Great show at PP before, too. :kickass:

Not to resurrect the whole Nightwish/Meshuggah debate, but Brainstorm is the kind of power metal band that unquestionably counts as "metal". They're probably the one non-Showcase band I'm most excited about seeing this year.
I like all of Brainstorm, and live they do kick ass. I think their catalogue overall is much stronger than Symphorce. Sould Temptation was their peak without a doubt, and still my fave by them. I'd put them in order as:

Soul T.
Metus M.
Liquid M.
I definitely would suggest trying a little of their older releases. If you like the more classic style of powermetal, then \metus Mortis and Ambiguity are pretty cool releases. subsequent ones were a little more of a challenge for me to get into.


I actually like Andy Franck better in Symphorce as well. I picked up cheap copies of Soul Temptation and Downburst and I think that they are both OK cds, but nothing that gets me particularly excited to see them.