Anyone check out the new raw demo from CRIMSON GLORY 'Garden of Shadows' yet?

I was actually just about to post it myself. I'm surprised no one here mentioned it yet! I'm really excited for this record... I don't even know what to expect because they're being super private about the new material. Even I am not privy to But I think this is a great song; I think Todd finds his own voice here and still manages to put that Midnight feel into it, especially on the third verse @3:41. I got chills.
I dig it! It has enough of that classic Crimson Glory feel to it, but with updated production values. Also, I even get the slightest "Strange And Beautiful" vibe from the song, as it has moments that remind me of "Starchamber." I just hope we don't have to wait another three years to hear more from them!

Stay metal. Never rust.
I absolutely LOVE it. From somone who loves ALL the CG albums (S&B and Astronomica included), this sounds like an amazing new chapter....

To me, I hear a lot of Nils / Pagan's Mind in the sound. I think it's one of those reverse influence things: when I listen to this, I can hear how much PM were influenced by CG, by hearing it in reverse. Same thing happened when I heard the new Van Halen, and heard Paul Gilbert is a bunch of the songs.

Cannot wait for this to come out!
Love it, and I agree with a couple others, I do hear a Geoff Tate-like delivery. I also see a combination of all of CG's stuff, including a "Strange and Beautiful" vibe, but that's not a bad thing.
By the 4-minute mark I was already bored...

Rough way to say it, but I felt the same way. Maybe it's because it's a demo, but there's no real build up.....there's a sameness throughout the big "hook" to the song. I want that "over the top" drama that I loved from their first two albums (and some from Astronomica...I actually really like that cd).
Well, it is just a demo after all. It's a rough outline. You can't really slam a sandwich for tasting bland when all you have so far is the bread. This is Crimson Glory, you guys. The odds of them putting out a final product that is anything less than awesome is...well, astronomical. That's why it's been over a decade. If its not good enough, they won't record or release it. As for the Geoff Tate sound, that is because Todd's biggest vocal influence was Geoff Tate. Has nothing to do with Todd being in QR now. I think this is a great sign that Crimson is back. Thank God.
Well, it is just a demo after all. It's a rough outline. You can't really slam a sandwich for tasting bland when all you have so far is the bread.

Sure you can. They're the ones that put it out there for the world to hear. They can call it a "demo" track all they want, but the fact remains that it must be something they deem ready for public consumption or they would not have put out a press release about it.
Sure you can. They're the ones that put it out there for the world to hear. They can call it a "demo" track all they want, but the fact remains that it must be something they deem ready for public consumption or they would not have put out a press release about it.

This. If you don't want to be criticized because, after all, it's "just a demo", then don't make it available to the public.
I don't think anyone in the CG camp is worried about being criticized, lol. I'm just saying from a personal standpoint that if you know its a raw demo, it doesn't make a lot of sense to critique it as though it were a finished product. However, plenty of people will. It is what it is. From what I have seen across the forums and bboards though, it has received a very positive response.
Plus, I think that because this band has gone so long without a record, despite promising the fans numerous times that there WILL be a record, and add to that their singer is now in a second band that will be putting out a record, CG probably reasoned that they should share something with their fans and the metal community as a whole. Either way, it is a good sign for fans of Crimson Glory.
Gonna to agree with the naysayers. The chorus isn't that good, and understandable this is a demo but a song is built on a strong chorus and this song doesn't have one. Time for a re-write.
Love it.
Yes,I am a huge fanboy of CG(and friends with them too,but at the same time I kinda hated 90% of Strange an Beautiful as well so I can be objective)but I definitely like what I heard of this.
And to be fair,this was recorded,what,2 years ago to see how Todd would fit the band,I'm sure this has been reworked a tadd,but if not,I still like it as is.
And what I love is while Todd has really channeled Midnight,as others have said on this he does not sound like an exact clone,Todd has added his own touches and styles..

Needless to say that this has been one of the most anticipated albums for me ever since Todd was announced as the official vocalist.
To me, Todd sounds like a Tate clone, at least on this song....I feel that Wade Black sounded closer to Midnight than Todd does IMO.

I'll still buy this album when it comes out, but as I said before, this early demo of the song was a bit underwhelming. I love this band and have faith that there will be some killer tunes on the new release...heck, there are a couple of great songs on Strange and Beautiful, which is NOT my favorite release by them, by a loooooong shot. Time will tell....I hope for the best from them.
As long as I have known Todd, I have never thought he sounded that much like Tate. I know other people do, and I know he can emulate Tate if he wants to, but I guess I just don't hear it.