Anyone feel guilty about flying to Atlanta?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Be absolved of your carbon sins!

First, get your electric bills and flight information and click here:

The Church of Climate Change charges about 18 USD for every 1,000 kg of CO2 you contribute. For about 342 USD (average person contributes 19,000 kg), you can purchase an indulgence and be absolved of your carbon sins for the year.

You can buy your indulgence here:

Another way to reduce your CO2 emissions is to remove your car's catalytic converter (warning: illegal), which converts CO (a non-GHG) into CO2 (a GHG). Planting trees, unfortunately won't help, as they convert CO2 to O2 (a GHG absorbing the first chunk of UV bandwith, more than CO2).

Play nice everyone. :saint:

The Michael (sponsored by Big Oil)
OK, you've found out the reason I'm not making the trip this year...Al Gore shamed me into staying home so there wouldn't be 20 foot tidal waves resulting from my rather large carbon footprint.

Is that your carbon footprint or are you just happy to see me!

I'd be more worried if mankind could account for more than 2% of all greenhouse gases, but we can't; the other 98% comes from natural causes, volcanic outgassing, etc. It's more of a carbon pinkie-print. But by golly, it plays in Peoria and makes some folks a lot of money, so guilt-trip away!
I'm proudly driving my gas guzzling SUV down to Hotlanta this year! :p Al Gore could cut back in oil consumption by not putting so darned much in his hair! :lol:

I'm all for people doing their part to help the environment, but I don't need these hypocrites like Al Gore and his Hollywood yes men to inform me of my so called sins. :rolleyes:

I'm proudly driving my gas guzzling SUV down to Hotlanta this year! :p Al Gore could cut back in oil consumption by not putting so darned much in his hair! :lol:

I'm all for people doing their part to help the environment, but I don't need these hypocrites like Al Gore and his Hollywood yes men to inform me of my so called sins. :rolleyes:


AMEN!!! Democrats and their damn propaganda...:erk:
I was giving her a warning, if she really wants to take up the republicans side and just say that the democrats are full of just propaganda, maybe she should open her eyes and stop watching fox news for their nonsense. Do the democrats use global warming as one of their issues against republicans? Yes. Is that a good thing? I would say no, both reps and dems should be having it as a joint issue, because its not a political problem, its bigger than that. However, so many people want to believe that the problem isn't real. More than likely because either they don't want to believe that we're doing some serious damage (and have been for a long time) and that its the next few generations that are going to have to try to fix the damage, or that they have just been convinced that the problem is only in the minds of democrats/green party/etc and crazy hippies...because you know....even though the scientific community has agreed that there IS a problem...and that we are partly to blame for it....that must not be true...even though that same scientific community is the one that people look towards for answers for other things....

edit: a friend said in response to this "yeah because the Democrats have totally changed the environment for the purpose of propaganda"
I was giving her a warning, if she really wants to take up the republicans side and just say that the democrats are full of just propaganda, maybe she should open her eyes and stop watching fox news for their nonsense.

I find this pretty funny...especially since one of the democratic news stations (i.e. CBS) was the one that put out fake documents about our president just so they could get their "story", how are you supposed to believe anything you read/hear now that you know the media LIES?? And who ever said that I watch Fox News for information in the first place? I agree that we need to address this issue, but keep in mind that the last time that we had record breaking tempertures in our area (i.e. the southeast) was back in the '30s. Just because we have one hot summer doesn't mean the world is coming to an end. The earth goes through natural changes that humans have no control over. Do you think that the Ice Age was caused by global warming as well? That happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. I do agree that we should take care of our planet, but let's not forget that Mother Nature has her own idea of how this planet will evolve. I'm not really taking sides, but sometimes I think that democrats pull stuff out of their asses just so they can try an attempt to have one up on the republicans. That's all I'm saying...
I was giving her a warning, if she really wants to take up the republicans side and just say that the democrats are full of just propaganda, maybe she should open her eyes and stop watching fox news for their nonsense. Do the democrats use global warming as one of their issues against republicans? Yes. Is that a good thing? I would say no, both reps and dems should be having it as a joint issue, because its not a political problem, its bigger than that. However, so many people want to believe that the problem isn't real. More than likely because either they don't want to believe that we're doing some serious damage (and have been for a long time) and that its the next few generations that are going to have to try to fix the damage, or that they have just been convinced that the problem is only in the minds of democrats/green party/etc and crazy hippies...because you know....even though the scientific community has agreed that there IS a problem...and that we are partly to blame for it....that must not be true...even though that same scientific community is the one that people look towards for answers for other things....

edit: a friend said in response to this "yeah because the Democrats have totally changed the environment for the purpose of propaganda"[/QUOTE

So your feeling guilty about flying or not?:puke:
I find this pretty funny...especially since one of the democratic news stations (i.e. CBS) was the one that put out fake documents about our president just so they could get their "story", how are you supposed to believe anything you read/hear now that you know the media LIES??

I already knew that... that's why I rarely watch the news. :)

And who ever said that I watch Fox News for information in the first place?

I watch FOX News, but not for the information... I watch it for the hot news anchors. :) I love going in the gym with my MP3 player, putting my headphones on, and rocking out to Morgana Lefay on the elliptical while FOX news is on the TV.

Like I said, I rarely watch the news -- and when I watch FOX News, it's always on MUTE. :lol:

So your feeling guilty about flying or not?:puke:

If she's flying in to Atlanta for ProgPower, she shouldn't feel guilty... she should feel silly. :)
I was giving her a warning, if she really wants to take up the republicans side and just say that the democrats are full of just propaganda, maybe she should open her eyes and stop watching fox news for their nonsense. Do the democrats use global warming as one of their issues against republicans? Yes. Is that a good thing? I would say no, both reps and dems should be having it as a joint issue, because its not a political problem, its bigger than that. However, so many people want to believe that the problem isn't real. More than likely because either they don't want to believe that we're doing some serious damage (and have been for a long time) and that its the next few generations that are going to have to try to fix the damage, or that they have just been convinced that the problem is only in the minds of democrats/green party/etc and crazy hippies...because you know....even though the scientific community has agreed that there IS a problem...and that we are partly to blame for it....that must not be true...even though that same scientific community is the one that people look towards for answers for other things....

The scientific community is far from unified on the issue, Justin. If you look closely at the scientists who promote global warming and that humanity causes it, you'll note that most of them work at research universities, or are contracted by various 'green' organizations.
Many of the scientists who (gasp) express reservations about the extent of global warming, or that humanity is responsible for it, are retired, or otherwise not part of the money flow into Big Environment.

See the picture? Those who benefit the most financially from public interest over global warming, whether by government research funding (grants) or from public donations, are the ones most likely to play the climate-change card. Those who have a smaller financial stake in it are less likely to be alarmists.

There are other disturbing facts.

-- While the temperatures recorded by weather stations in large cities and urban areas have been trending upward during the last 50 years, the recorded temps in smaller cities and towns have remained steady or even decreased. This is indicative of more heat being added to the local thermoenvironment (more buildings/blacktop/people/aircraft exhaust near airport thermometers), and not any long-term global climate change.

-- The Martian ice caps are shrinking. Think about that carefully for a moment.

-- Three of the four methods of measuring global temperature show no signs of global warming: Proxy measurements (tree rings, sediments etc) for the past 1000 years, weather balloons (radiosondes) for the past 44 years, and satellites (MSU Units) for the past 21 years.

-- See the first item above for the fourth method.

edit: a friend said in response to this "yeah because the Democrats have totally changed the environment for the purpose of propaganda"

He's correct....but not quite in the way you're reading it. :)