Anyone Know any Bands like Porcupine Tree, Interpol, Sigor Ros, Radiohead?

Angrafan said:
I don't see how Anekdoten fits this group at all, but they are an amazing band! I am a big fan...

Maybe 2 or 3 songs from the new album, but that's about it.

Well . . . I've not heard any Porcupine Tree, but I know they are sotra prog. So then I thought about recommending Anekdoten.

Odd thing . . . A friend and I were talking to Dave Witte (Discordance Axis, Phantomsmasher, Burnt by the Sun) at a concert when he was drumming for Melt Banana and he said that Anekdoten is his favorite band. Quite a surprise!
I don't hear any king crimson influence in Porcupine Tree's music at all...
But yeah, Anekdoten is like a 90's version of red-era King Crimson! Specially Vemod! That's almost a King Crimson rip off...
But they changed quite a bit afterward...
Nucleus was much heavier, from within had some new elements and Gravity is much catchier and radioheadish. I personally like it all! :) Anekdoten is an all time favorite of mine.
if you like radiohead then definately check out muse.
and if you like Porcupine tree then i would recomend checking out Turin Brakes' first album. its absolutely superb IMO, 'future boy' is a fantastic song, it also reminds me greatly of Jeff Buckleys 'hallelujah'. their second album is a bit poo though, too..cheerful? meh, doesnt suit them.
speaking of Jeff, everyone in the whole world should go and listen to his music, the man was incredible. and i think you might quite like his stuff too if porcupine tree and radiohead are your thing.