Anyone remembers me?


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
I was one of the hardcore chat forum posters long ago...seems like ages...well it's been maybe a year.

How has everyone been?
Hey Manuel...

lol... I feel like that whenever I come here to look too.... I think 'Who the fuck remembers me, not that anyone really cares... :guh:' been good. Busy, working, stuff and shit, but everything is okay. Trying to visit this forum a little more often, but it's so quiet and most of the old regs don't post anymore....

So how you been? :p
i rember u! How have ya been> i stoped posting for sooo long awhile ago but im back now and.. its true most the old regulars have disapered :( well hi to everyone thoue :)
sorry about that
I find myself in Arizona right now living with the gf but this is only temporary I'll be back terrorizing Mexico shortly
I still remember you. :)