apTrigga vs Drumagog vs ???


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
What else is out there besides apTrigga and are they worth it in comparison pricewise. I did some testing with the apTrigga demo this morning and MY GOD its the best plugin ever created ...lol

Now in comparison to anything else that does the same thing (Drumagog or ???) can you really beat apTrigga out for the price?

I did some searching but I never really saw a head 2 head demo on each plugin. I saw everyone discussing both in a positive light. But head to head what is your preference and why?
it really comes down to cost at this point for me. Do I need everything that Trigger does if apTrigga can do basically the same thing just Triggering Slate drums. The cost difference is pretty significant

It's not the same at all. apTrigga does 9 samples, total. Trigger can load up to like 9 instances of 127 samples per instrument.
Do you really need that much variation for metal ...lol

the world would be a better place for it.
I for one am tired of drumemrs who sound like robots.
Aptrigga is great. I mean REALLY accurate, but can verge a little on the machine gunny side of things.
Drumagog has great dynamic tracking and sample grouping but is about as accurate as pissing in the dark,
Tl drum rehab doesn't support stereo samples(fail)

Trigger is fucking awesome.
i need it
Yeah I've been an avid apTrigga fan and user for a couple of years now and the TRIGGER demo beat it out for me. Can't wait to buy it.
Aptrigga is great. I mean REALLY accurate, but can verge a little on the machine gunny side of things.

Ya I noticed this last night when I opened an old project and tried to sound replace some really fast snare / tom fills. Why they make it so it cuts the sample off when the next sample is triggered is beyond me.

Disregard this whole deal. Looks like I am gonna buck up the cash for Trigger ... the wife is gonna fuckin kill me ....lol
God damnit!

I need a god damn iLok to demo trigger .... ughhhh what a crock.

Trigger looks awesome, but Ilok :puke: sucks so much, a least for a lot of us that live outside US, its very hard and expensive to get here. I prefer other activation methods.
Dude its a demo come on does it really need an iLok?

So let me go spend $40 so I can try out a demo I don't even know if I will like. i mean if I had other plug-ins that used an iLok fine, but just to demo something I don't even know if I am going to like is silly.
Get the iLok, I guarantee you WILL like Trigger. If not, your loss, you'll be missing out. Not only on Trigger, but other great plugs out there that use iLok only.