Are We The Black Sheep?


Apr 16, 2007
I was revisiting some of the old threads here in the last couple of days and something caught my attention.

In one thread, Dan was saying how we were the black sheep of the D-M forum because we weren't always serious, liked to have a good time and laugh. Especially when the Woogabooga error broke out, haha.

So, it got me to thinking that we are in the same boat here as well. It's always the same crew. We are rarely serious and everything here too. Seems like we don't fit in anywhere, heh.

Not that I am complaining. It's just something observed.

We are definately in our own world. :kickass:
Reviving woogabooga? My SHroud collection has been reduced to $4.00. You guys are such immature little babies!!!!

Is there going to be a party after that show?

We are definately too cool for everyone, hahahaha!!!!
Well, my guess is given thaty Shroud are a bunch of goofy bastards and Gwynblunderbuss are a punch of crazy Polish gents... partying will happen. Personally, I'm keeping the hell out of it because every time he gets drunk Dan tries to do something inappropriate to me.