Arjen's Guilt Machine


Nov 22, 2004
Any idea when this one will be available? I understand it's already been released in Europe.
Glad to see these are up! You had mentioned in a thread on the PP forum that one of these had a digipak or book that looked like shit. Since the contents of versions two and three seem to be almost the same, which one is it that looks bad???
The $20 looks like shit. I have one left and I'll won't restock it when its gone. There is a US version of the CD/DVDcoming out in a jewel box in a couple of weeks. The regular jewel box and digibook look great. Obviously printed by a different company.
So what's the crucial difference between the $16 and $25 versions you have up as far as content? Are they both 2 CDs, but one contains a DVD or something? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I get confused by all these damned special editions, heh.
$16 disc is standard single CD in jewel box. The $25 set is a CD + DVD. It has a 32 page booklet and is housed in a hardbound digibook.