Ask a "real" musician: 5 Classic Metal Singers

That article is great! Thanks for posting. “Fourth guy is just bad throaty singing… Made my throat tight to listen to him. How long did his career last?” lol.
Saw this a couple of days ago. Her analysis was very interesting. I would like to see her review of Eric Adams (Manowar), Nils from Pagan's Mind and And Franck. Who would you like to see her analyze?
Awesome read! Thanks for the post. Giving her Ozzy was a bit unfair though. :lol: I love Ozzy don't get me wrong, but he's not a talented singer, he's a unique singer.
Interesting read. I'm a little wary of the idea that someone else can be a better judge than me of what my own ears perceive as "good", but at least neither the analyst nor the author seemed too pretentious in that way. And I guess she could open my ears to hearing things in a different way. I'd be curious to hear her take on a baritone-falsetto guy like Geoff Tate or Matt Barlow and how they would compare to the more naturally high-pitched guys.

What sounds good is obviously in the ears of the listener, but the use of sound technique is something only a musician well-versed in the technicalities of an instrument can judge. And bad technique can often lead to a shorter career, or at least a shorter time being able to sing well, which has certainly been true of Ozzy. Meanwhile, Bruce sounds outstanding, possibly better than, he did when he started. His vibrato has gotten clearer and steadier and I think he sings the softer parts better, which is very useful given Maiden's current direction. I wonder what this expert would have thought of Bruce's early 90s technique, which sounded pretty bad and seemed to have led to poor performances on the early 90s live albums. Maybe he was screwing up his voice during that stage of his career.

I'm always interested in guitarists' take on guitar players as well. I often find that the ones they think are the best usually don't do much for me. A guy like Ronnie Le Tekro seems to thrill other guitarists, but I think Yngwie Malmsteen and Paul Gilbert give the impression of better playing to the listener.
Excellent idea and read! I'd be interested to hear her take on these same singers later on in their careers. For me at least, all of her analyses are spot on perfect.
This just in: Bruce and Rob are pretty great. Ozzy not so much.

Later: Stunning news from the world of it turns out, you need a heart to live.

(Seriously, though, awesome read. Thanks for the link!)