Atlanta - Metal Night Friday


Sep 8, 2003
Some friends of mine are trying to put together a metal night at a bar on the southside called Irish Bred. The owner is giving them this Friday to use as a trial run, and they want to hopefully have it become a regular thing if they get enough people.

If you're interested, here's the website for directions and stuff
I'll try and make it by. I work afternoon/evenings. Should be off around midnight. And I work in the area.

Know what kind of window, time wise, they'll be getting? Or maybe a start/stop time? Don't wanna stop by and they're done already, ya know.
yeah - support metal wherever you can! if it's more convenient to attend a show closer to your area, don't hesitate to go there.

by the way, those on the southside should come out to breakers Saturday night, the 25th. I'll be there supporting my boys from 'Bama - A Lower Deep!

I'll try and make it by. I work afternoon/evenings. Should be off around midnight. And I work in the area.

Know what kind of window, time wise, they'll be getting? Or maybe a start/stop time? Don't wanna stop by and they're done already, ya know.

Starting around 8, and ending whenever they close, which is probably 2am or so. I'll be there around 9 or 9:30, and if you want to say hi I'll probably be the only one with long black hair.

And to be more clear, there won't be live music, just spinning of metal music while everyone drinks and hangs out.
Some friends of mine are trying to put together a metal night at a bar on the southside called Irish Bred. The owner is giving them this Friday to use as a trial run, and they want to hopefully have it become a regular thing if they get enough people.

If you're interested, here's the website for directions and stuff

Holy crap! You're not kidding when you say the southside..... too far for us intowners that drink:kickass: and take cabs unless there's some really, really good metal:headbang:
It SUCKED. Don't bother coming. The house DJ still had control of the music, and treated everything as a request. It was essentially like any other night I imagine but with some heavier selections and some "requests" thrown in. But then again maybe some of the people were satisfied with the POD and other bullshit nu-metal being played. All in all sucked. I'm drunk too. Take as you will.
Oh, well. At least it wasn't c)rap.

I'm here at the house (feeling kinda sick) and can't fall asleep, but as I type, our own Mtndewqueen/Katie is spinning the metal on WREKage. We can consider it her triumphant return. :kickass: