Avenged Sevenfold - Carry On - WHAT THE ????

HAHAHAHAHA I'm REAAAALLY curious to see what the virgin/fat/progsnobs will say about this... hahaha. Where's the "not metal" thing now?
I dont even want to listen. I walked out on on their concert earlier this year, totally horseshit. They are not the same band that was hungry when they were coming up. Complete sell outs

I dont even want to listen. I walked out on on their concert earlier this year, totally horseshit. They are not the same band that was hungry when they were coming up. Complete sell outs


Your post is kinda ridic, bro... Give it a chance, it'll surprise you big time...
Your post is kinda ridic, bro... Give it a chance, it'll surprise you big time...

Well have you seen them live lately? Studio magic is all great and wonderful but damn they had a ton of backing tracks live, that was ridic! I guess that is the way of the world these days. I long for days when bands would just plug in and play and still sound awesome!

Well have you seen them live lately? Studio magic is all great and wonderful but damn they had a ton of backing tracks live, that was ridic! I guess that is the way of the world these days. I long for days when bands would just plug in and play and still sound awesome!


You mean back before their drummer, who did a lot of the backing vocals, died?

A7X has carved a bit of their own path. I think that City of Evil is their finest moment, but each album has its own identity. Are they following some trend? I don't think so, at least not any trend I'm aware of.
hey this whole thread is really confusing me. that was probably the best thing I have ever heard A7X do.
I for one an COMPLETELY confused by this song. It's sort of Power Metal, but it's sort of not. Its from a band that I have no interest in at all and never did,( Never took a sec to get into them ) but there's elements in this song that have me curious enough to want to hear more. I like to give everyone a fair listen.

One reason for the confusion is ... did they just telegraph their next move ? Their label must know about this and approved it. With that being said, are we going to start seeing more Power Metal-ish transformations in bands like this ?

Is this the beginning of the Power Metal / Melodic / Guitar Hero comeback ?

So many questions ....

I guess I should have researched their sound before posting. I really didnt know what they sounded like. I only immerse myself in Power-Prog. I really dont listen to current radio modern bands. My bad I guess.
Damn, that's not bad. I don't think I've heard anything from them prior to this, but this is decent power metal. And I agree with Claus (may want to write that down since it will probably never happen again) that they're riffing on Eagle Fly Free big time.

Seriously, if someone posted that clip as a new song from an unknown European band called DreamDragon or something, most of us would be all over it and probably demand they open PPUSA at that.