Ayreon or Avantasia idea


Sep 19, 2008
Wheaton, IL
So from these forums and just having a general idea of the fans that go to progpower, I can tell most would LOVE to see Avantasia or Ayreon headline one of them. So, today I was doing some thinking and this is what I think would be a cool idea. Obviously flying every singer or guest musician on any respective album of theirs would probably be too pricey for the fest, so I think what would be cool is to have Arjen or Tobi play with their respective bands and have many of the vocalists and other musicians who are playing on the fest with their own bands, join them. Sort of like how the Crimson Glory set will be this year except a number of the musicians would stay on for more than a song. What do you guys think?
Seeing some sort of Ayreon live show would be amazing. This could be neat, but impossible to organize I imagine. Not to mention trying to get everyone to memorize songs, or even have any interest in doing it in the first place. Cool idea though.
I don't see why they couldn't do a Therion-type thing, with the 2 girls from Stream of Passion and maybe 2 more guys singing lead. It could work on most songs.
Who wouldn't love to see Ayreon live, problem is that aside form the small Star One tour and the Stream Of Passion tour, Arjen never took Ayreon on the road and logistically it can be a nightmare (due to the commitments of the many singers he had along the way). There are more chances for him to show at PP Europe I guess, still I don't know if he will be interested.
I don't see why they couldn't do a Therion-type thing, with the 2 girls from Stream of Passion and maybe 2 more guys singing lead. It could work on most songs.

You've got a good point here. I think this could work very well. Even though he's no longer in Stream of Passion he still gets along with those guys and they'd do it for this. I don't think this is beyond the realm of possibility logistically. The thing is like a couple of you have said is whether or not Arjen would actually want to do it.
Don't forget that not only do those other singers need to be in Atlanta to perform with the band, they also need to get everybody together to practice. Glenn has said before that it would be so cost prohibitive that he wouldn't ever expect it to happen. Of course, if somebody could sponsor them with enough money....
Don't forget that not only do those other singers need to be in Atlanta to perform with the band, they also need to get everybody together to practice. Glenn has said before that it would be so cost prohibitive that he wouldn't ever expect it to happen. Of course, if somebody could sponsor them with enough money....

Yes, I think the main issue besides Arjen wanting to do it or not would be to practice it. I think the best idea would be to not get an entire cast worth of singers but to have some that play multiple parts, because it's rare at times to have everyone singing at once. Like I said though, if you got a couple of singers from bands at the respective progpower already it wouldn't be as difficult but yeah the practice is the killer.

BTW, I find it very interesting that this thread was supposed to be aimed at Ayreon OR Avantasia and it's simply become about Ayreon. I think Avantasia would realistically be easier to accomplish as there aren't usually as many overlapping parts as Ayreon. Not to mention that Tobi does have his own band in place.
Don't forget that not only do those other singers need to be in Atlanta to perform with the band, they also need to get everybody together to practice. Glenn has said before that it would be so cost prohibitive that he wouldn't ever expect it to happen. Of course, if somebody could sponsor them with enough money....

True. Glenn has seriously looked into this in the past, even unto the point of pricing out practice-space in town for a week before any performance date. Alas, it is still not in the cards for 2010.