
That really is the only problem I have with Babymetal, that someone "put this together".

Well, it is a mashup of pop and metal, and pop tends to not be very organic. You just don't see many pop acts working their way through the clubs, making an album and putting it out on a minor label, then a few years later they get a better record label and get invited to festivals.... Pop is manufactured, that's it's nature. Besides, there's no way such a band could ever exist in the wild unless it was like a family band or something.

Eventually though the band might morph into something more real. The new album already sounds like a great advancement artistically compared to the first one.
Well, it is a mashup of pop and metal, and pop tends to not be very organic.

Eventually though the band might morph into something more real. The new album already sounds like a great advancement artistically compared to the first one.

WOW! Somebody used the word artistic with Baby Metal!
That made my day so much brighter lol
saw them in Boston on May 5th, the vocals take some getting used to but the band rocked and the sold-out crowd was eating it up.