Band #3 confirmed


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Virgin Steele is confirmed.

On a side note, it was very amusing watching/participating in the VS thread down below as I had actually booked them prior to it being started.


Hell yes! So happy about this. Glenn I'm glad you get bands, even if not everybody will like them. Shows massive integrity.

And just saw that I'm one of the sponsors =)
ok so a #2 slot on Friday. I can live with that. I was really hoping they were not a #4 or 5!!
FINALLY!!! Wooooo! One of my top 5 bands, and one I've never seen live. Thanks!!

(I was hoping that they'd have a higher slot, but I'm happy just to be seeing them).

Good job, Glenn!

Steve in Philly
I need to go back and listen to their older cds, because the new just did not grab me at all.
That is fantastic.

But assuming everyone's wondering the same thing, why aren't they a headliner? If it wasn't for Redemption coming on after, I would have suspected the next PP would have been the biggest line up yet.

(Not to take anything away from Redemption, but VS are a global institution at this point).
VenomGA said:
I need to go back and listen to their older cds, because the new just did not grab me at all.

A few places to start for VS:

If you can hear just one song - listen to 'The Burning of Rome', track #1 off of "Age of Consent"

If you can grab some albums, I'd say their two best (no filler here)

Marriage of Heaven and Hell Part 1 (Highlights include Blood & Gasoline, Raven's Song, Blood of the Saints, I Will Come For You)

Invictus (Highlights include the Title track, Through Blood and Fire, A Whisper of Death, Veni, Vidi, Vici, . . .heck, the whole damn album).

If like that, move on to the House of Atreus, Act II (some great heavy tunes here). Then, get the rest of the album from Noble Savage (1986) on. The older stuff is still good, but (much like Savatage's early days) pretty much straight forward raw metal, not close to the complexity of the later work.

I am SO excited to be seeing this band.

Steve in Philly
Probably because their drawing power in the states is not necessarily as much as in europe. I think they'll be fine in the slot they have. Sure I'd like to see them even longer on stage, but we'll just have to wait and see.