Band #7 Confirmed

Im not bitching by any means....I was instantly converted when they played at 3...My question is, didnt they play this same time slot at 3? If so, the two co headliners for Saturday must be AWESOME. I just think its weird they havent moved up. It's Glenn's fest, and there is ALWAYS a method behind his madness.

Threashold :kickass: :headbang: :worship: :headbang: :kickass: :erk: :OMG: :kickass: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin:
i'll have to check them out. what is a good album to start with?

the only cd of theirs that I own is the limited edition version of 'Critical Mass' (2002) - which I picked up directly after their show at PPUSA III. I recall that this was a band I hadn't heard anything from before, but their stage performance was very energetic and ended up appealing to much of the crowd.

I must admit though that I have not kept up with them at all since the PPUSA III show. So I have some catching up to do myself. :oops:

I'm a long time Threshold fan, and to be very honest, it is hard to go wrong with any of their releases. Sure, some are stronger than the others musically, but all in all they are a solid band who release solid albums time and again.

My personal favs if I had to pick are Hypothetical, Extinct Instinct (had a different singer than Mac, Damian Wilson).

But again, hard to go wrong with any of their releases.
Im not bitching by any means....I was instantly converted when they played at 3...My question is, didnt they play this same time slot at 3? If so, the two co headliners for Saturday must be AWESOME. I just think its weird they havent moved up. It's Glenn's fest, and there is ALWAYS a method behind his madness.

Threashold :kickass: :headbang: :worship: :headbang: :kickass: :erk: :OMG: :kickass: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin:
They were a 2 spot at PP III, but regardless of their "slot", they're not getting any more time this year than they had back then. An hour set.
Wow this is shaping up as the best line up EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is one band that I have overlooked over the years but will look into. The song on the audio page sounds good and I am looking forward to exploring more.
Im not bitching by any means....I was instantly converted when they played at 3...My question is, didnt they play this same time slot at 3? If so, the two co headliners for Saturday must be AWESOME. I just think its weird they havent moved up.
Why would they move up to co-headliner? They haven't done anything since they played last.

Threshold was amazing at PP3. I had never heard of them before seeing them live and their show made me an instant fan!!! You seriously can't go wrong with any of their releases though I am partial to Critical Mass and Clone!!!

Firewind followed by Threshold!!! Somebody better deliver the beers to me cuz I'm not leaving my seat!!! :kickass: :headbang:
Have to break out the THRESHOLD CDs and give them a second spin. I know they are good i just can't for the life of me remember anything. This is an awesome choice and if this is any indication they the last three bans to be announced will be killer.
WOW!!! I think I'm gonna get there like a week in advance. This is incredible. Threshold is one of the bands that surprised me a lot in the PP stage. Since then I became a huge fan. Now, I can enjoy some of their material from Subsurface played on the same stage. I'm not asking for anything more. Can't wait for October next year!!!:headbang:
Funny, just yesterday, I was hoping Threshold would return this year.
IMO, this is going to be the best year ever. Now, if we can just get Balance of Power.......
I wish Damien Wilson still be with them, the guy rocks but in album and live. Still not very acquainted with Threshold, but indeed an interesting band to check.

NP: Denial - 'Sentenced'
I have not listened to them in years. I need to familiarize myself with their cds again.