Band is trying to raise money

Without being as harsh as Plendakor, I don't understand why you'd need to raise money for recording via this method. My band are recording a full length album (~55 mins) soon and we're paying for it out of our own pockets. Bear in mind that all of the band except me have families to feed, and I don't have a fulltime job and I'm still at college, and we're still able to raise enough to record and have mixed & mastered roughly an hour of material (8/9 songs) with a good quality studio and a great quality mixer, which totals about £2k (£400 per person, which is a lot considering I don't have any consistent income and the rest of the band have families to look after), I don't get why you guys can't pay for it out of your own pocket. :confused:
  • Go to school and learn about shit that will get you PAID (IE: NOT MUSIC)
  • Work hard. Hold a shit job and do whatever else you can to generate income. Fuck sleep, you'll die soon enough.
  • Don't fall into the home recording pitfall unless your ready to spend years and years and years and years and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars to make a demo.
  • Pay someone that kicks ass at engineering to engineer your album. Take pride in having a kick ass EP.

We may be coming off as harsh, but here's personally why I believe in music as a hobby first and business second:

5 years ago I attended community college for 1.5 semesters and had to drop out due to not being able to make it to class. Student loans defaulted, so now I owe the government a few thousand bucks. Right now I work at an auto shop that specializes in European cars, work at a great live music venue when they need me, fix amps and other music equipment, record bands for dirt cheap when time is available and i'm not in a cover band playing every friday/saturday night after work. All this bullshit just to live at my mom's house and have her pissed off anytime a drum or guitar makes a sound. Currently I average about $200 a week here, it's total shit. I scraped together all this gear over the past 12 years and music has absolutely bled me dry in every possible manner, but i goddamn love it so much.
Got to agree, I'm not a fan of this bands begging for money so they don't have to pay for recording themselves thing.

Get a job, save up money, put on your own gigs in a local venue, just stop begging for cash online.
i can't repeat this often enough:

stuff bands have money for:
-fancy cellphones
-newest brand-name clothes
-expensive tattoos all over
-online gaming

stuff bands don't have money for:
-proper instruments
-new strings

oooooh, teh irony...
Everyone here is too busy forking out for their own bands/studios dude :lol: Pick your target market better.
i can't repeat this often enough:

stuff bands have money for:
-fancy cellphones
-newest brand-name clothes
-expensive tattoos all over
-online gaming

stuff bands don't have money for:
-proper instruments
-new strings

oooooh, teh irony...

So fucking true!
you can add cars, alcohol, bars etc to that first list.

pisses me off when a band of five members arrives with 3 cars, and then tells me they don't have money for new skins.

When I was in uni I worked and saved every single penny to buy an old and broken guitar, fixed it and traded it for a better broken guitar, fixed that and traded up again, and so on..same with amps.

worked my arse off to afford shit like that, I never had a car (well, I have one now, bought it for 250€ from my former elemetary school teacher), I never spent money for vacation etc, everything for the music...
Now thoe bands come and say "you must be rich, with all those amps and guitars...easy for you to tell us to buy new skins"...
if you take your music seriously stop treating it like some stupid hobby that comes after all your other hobbies etc.

you have a car?
you have a phone?
you drink beers every other day?
don't fucking tell me you can't afford new strings..makes me fucking angry!
Well I guess this was a bad idea. And yeah we have jobs and have paid out of pocket for recordings in the past but its a free way to raise money and promote for the why then why not? It's not like we're sitting on YouTube begging for a label. We still put just as much time and effort in as everyone else, but of the tools are there why not use them?
+1 to everything said. Here is the recipe :

- Everyone in the band saves $1 / day. That's like 30 bucks a month, per member.

That's average. You can save even more. If you really care about music, and want success, spend your time listening to CDs at home, rehearse twice a week, then it's more than worth saving 1 dollar per day.

If you're a band, let's say you are 4 members. That's 365 * 4 = 1460 dollars per year (+96 cts technically if you're cheap). That's close to 3k dollars every 2 years.

Here you have the money to record a decent EP.

I want to emphasize on the fact any smoker in the band would spend way much more on his tobacco than on the EP. He certainly smokes way much more than $1 worth of tobacco per day.
just barking up the wrong tree thats all... we have all spent ungodly amounts of money on equipment and recordings out of our own pockets and are not in the mood for charity unless its for a good cause (children, cancer, boobs etc.)
I mean if anyone at all even looked at the site, we're not asking for something for nothing. You get things depending on how much you donate.(Cd's, shirts, dvds, ect.) But you all know about crowd funding. Again, dead horse.
5 years ago I attended community college for 1.5 semesters and had to drop out due to not being able to make it to class. Student loans defaulted, so now I owe the government a few thousand bucks.

orly? I went to college for music business and got my bachelors degree and now I work in a shitty call center as a debt collector, if you pop up ill say hi! :lol:

also to OP, no hard feelings. We arent REALLY super assholes here. This is my 2 cents:

Watched your video, did you guys record the music for that video yourself?
If you did, Its not that bad quality! Obviously not pro, but I can tell that you have potential to make good recordings.
Use this forum as a resource, I know its catered more towards metal recordings but you can learn A LOT from this place.
Before I came here in 2004 I was literally sticking a microphone in the center of my band and using a XLR > 1/4" > 1/8" adapter into my computers sound card into some cheap software.
Ive learned 95% of what i know about recording from this forum.

with 1,500 you could buy yourself some really nice microphones to track drums, vocals guitars and bass with. And you'll be able to record your own stuff forever!