band names in ALL CAPS


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
WTF is it with people who write band names in all caps?

I can understand it if you're writing an article, or a press release, or something, and you want people to know exactly who the article is about... but on a forum, in a music discussion? We can all read the band names just fine in lower case.

And the people who write the band names in all caps *and* boldface? Please shoot them. :rolleyes:

end rant... now I think I'll go listen to an ICED EARTH cd.
I bold on occasion when I'm writing short blurbs about multiple things I've seen or am listening to. I rarely use capitalize an entire word/name unless it's to be annoying. I italicize more when I want to emphasize a word. The caps thing does get a bit annoying when most of the front page is filled with all capped thread titles. Especially when the title itself is nothing more than the bands name.
Writing band names in ALL CAPS is more of a European thing than an American thing. I see it a lot in e-mails from bands I interview for ProgPower. Some of their press releases are that way, too.

I don't know why they use that convention. But this year, in our interviews, we used it too. Zod started it for whatever reason. And I thought it wasn't a big deal. In fact, I thought it was kind of cool. Very European of Zod.

So I asked Milt to follow suit. And I did as well.

If it's a bothersome issue, it won't likely be done next year. But I didn't see any harm in it this time around.

WTF is it with people who write band names in all caps?

I can understand it if you're writing an article, or a press release, or something, and you want people to know exactly who the article is about... but on a forum, in a music discussion? We can all read the band names just fine in lower case.

And the people who write the band names in all caps *and* boldface? Please shoot them. :rolleyes:

end rant... now I think I'll go listen to an ICED EARTH cd.

How about when I go for a combo: TestAmenT

I'm curious where you stand on using a mixture of caps and lower case.

Also, if I were to write about KoЯn (which I won't, but if for some bizarre reason I ever did...kinda like now), would it bother you that I used caps, lower case, AND back-assward letters???
WTF is it with people who write band names in all caps?

I can understand it if you're writing an article, or a press release, or something, and you want people to know exactly who the article is about... but on a forum, in a music discussion? We can all read the band names just fine in lower case.

And the people who write the band names in all caps *and* boldface? Please shoot them. :rolleyes:

end rant... now I think I'll go listen to an ICED EARTH cd.

Wow, like you can't find anything more important to rant about...

Guilty of doing that when I'm writing an article, review, press release or such. It's a matter of a style of writing. Nothing wrong with it.
WTF is it with people who write band names in all caps?

I can understand it if you're writing an article, or a press release, or something, and you want people to know exactly who the article is about... but on a forum, in a music discussion? We can all read the band names just fine in lower case.

And the people who write the band names in all caps *and* boldface? Please shoot them. :rolleyes:

end rant... now I think I'll go listen to an ICED EARTH cd.

Boob, those Lions are frying your brain man! :lol: Have I ever mentioned that I love SAVATAGE?

Guilty and I will continue to do it. Usually its when I am promoting a band. Yes no shit sherlock people can read in lower case the same as in uppercase......thanks for enlightening us. However I will argue that sometimes especially when starting a new thread about a band I believe it can it help draw ATTENTION :)lol:) to the band I am trying to promote. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I am also guilty of the "to too, and two" as well as the "their, there, and they're". I know the difference but I am not here looking to be graded on a fucking essay I am here to discuss music. Oh no I didnt put in all the commas and apostrophes. End of the world.