Bands that grow on you Every Release


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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In the spirit of Zod's Thread, I'd like to take it in the opposite direction. I'd like to know what bands you find out there that have captured your interest and have held onto it over some releases, and in cases, your love for the band has grown.

Elvenking - This may seem obvious for me to post this, but while I loved Heathenreel and got involved with the band, WYRD, I thought, wasn't good. (My opnion has moved slightly since then, but I still don't listen to it often at all). I was disappointed in the album and decided to give them one more to win me back. With Damna's return on The Winter Wake, by fanboyism flamed anew. They then gave us details of The Scythe, and I was skeptical and didn't really enjoy the title song on release. The more clips that were released to us (the elvenking community) the more I liked it. Since, I have fallen in love with the new CD more than I believed. And I've only been through the first 6 songs due to time restrictions in the way I want to listen to new albums. Priority to finish it this weekend.

Mercenary - I first decided this was a band of Glorious on their announcement for Progpower 4. With the already released Everblack in my car, this was the first band I could get into with harsh vocals. The band was cool on the internet, and their songs ROCKED. 11 Dreams was released and kicked ass. Not as much as Everblack, but it was still a good fusion of Ass Kicking and Awesome. I enjoyed speaking with the band through the forums and the music was just what I could get into. Upon Krals departure, I wasn't concerned. I was sad, but I knew from Mikkel's additude that he was going to step it up. I bought "The Hours That Remain" as soon as I could and spun it, what I was treated too was one of the best CDs I have EVER purchased. Getting to see them at PP 7 was mind numbingly awesome, and being able to hang out and party with them afterwards was great. Class Acts all the way and incredibly talented.

Nightwish - I bet this is going to be hit or miss, but I still think they're getting better and better, save for the only slightly disappointing DPP, which means they only have room to regain the greatness that Once was. (lol pun). I see evolution in the right direction from Oceanborn, to Wishmaster, to Century Child to Once.. I think the band has been struggling to find a sound it likes, and did so with Century Child, and has improved on it since. The addition of Annette will only strengthen that sound. Tarja is a great singer, but she wasn't meant to do the kind of vocal melodies Nightwish has evolved into. Her talents are best suited elsewhere.

Iron Savior - While I can see an argument brewing that every album they release is essentially the same, I am inclined to think that they have perfected their specific blend of Power Metal. I came in to Iron Savior on the release of Condition Red, which, I consider to be my favorite Power Metal album of all time. Piet's vocals are easy for me to sing along with, as I prefer the lower rougher type of vocals over the all too common high pitched whine of normal generic power metal bands. Battering Ram's release solidified my love for the music, and at Prog Power 5 I purchased the entire back catalog and enjoy each CD immensely. I've only given Megatropolis 2 fair listens, but the verdict still stands, Iron Savior is Concentrated Awesome.

So, what do you all think?
For me, my biggest in this category would be Pagan's Mind. Almost totally wrote them off after the first CD, would have been a MAJOR mistake. Now I love them and can't wait to get my hands on the newest one.

Nocturnal Rites - One more solid release and I'll give them Top 5 bands status...seriously...these guys just keep getting better and better. LOVE their brand of melodic metal!

Other honorable mentions: Nightwish, Kamelot (I loved Ghost Opera), Dream Evil

And yes, nailz, Iron Savior RULES!
Enslaved comes to mind and Below The Lights, Isa and Ruun are all amazing. I'm not too interested in their earlier material, but it has it's moments and they've definitely become increasingly interesting to me of late.

Persuader have also done nothing but improve from release to release.

I just recently started listening to Anathema, but their progression is fairly clear and as far as I can tell they've done nothing but improve and grow after distancing themselves from their early, doom oriented material.

I enjoy Mercenary, but I would have to say Everblack and 11 Dreams are their finest moments. The Hours That Remain isn't bad though, just not quite up to par.
I'm not sure "grow with each release" is fair, as it's nearly impossible, even for great bands, to continuously top themselves. However, a few bands who have recently cemented themselves among my favorites...

Redemption. Dislike the debut, love the sophomore effort. Their new disc has established them as a top tier band, that should be around for a long time.

Zero Hour. After Fragile Mind, it appeared the Rosvald's departure may have been a death blow. However, Specs demonstrated that these guys are still at the top of their game.

Pagan's Mind. Although I know some folks love it, I thought Enigmatic: Calling was a snoozefest. God's Equation has reestablished this band as one of my favorites.

While Slough Feg's Hardworlder was the first album I heard by them. Going back through and listening to them all, I can say the band grows on me as I listen to more ;) One of my absolute favorites.
they might have only two cds, but fucking circus maximus. these guys are at the forefront of progressive metal in my eyes. isolate was just frickin brilliant, and the 1st chapter was an amazing cd to debut with.

i dont see how anyone could doubt these guys!
I think some are missing the spirit of this question. I am taking it as this: What bands were not an absolute immediate impact, but grew on your progressively with each release?

One that jumps to mind is Nocturnal Rites: I had their first two albums, and found them very generic, and rather bland. I did not even buy the third. The fourth came out (Afterlife?) and my buddy bought it, and I was amazed at the improvement. Then when "Illusion" came out, it blew the roof off for me. These guys have gotten consistently better and better with every album, and are now a blind purchase for me, whereas a few years ago I would not even have bothered a second glance.
I think some are missing the spirit of this question. I am taking it as this: What bands were not an absolute immediate impact, but grew on your progressively with each release?

Nah, everyone is doing it the way I had done it myself. Everyone who knows me knows I have been an Elvenking fanboy since day one. Regardless, however people want to answer the question is cool with me! :)
Manegarm, they created the best Viking Metal cd this year and are the best band out of Sweden and all of Europe imho.
Amorphis. I can't stop listening to their latest release, Silent Waters. Not to in to the early stuff, but the last three just kept getting better and better.
Anathema for me...
They are the only band that I know that I like every new release better than the previous!! No exceptions! I think their first is their worst and their last is their best... and the mp3s they put online from their forthcoming album are amazing, it could be their best album...

The Gathering- I've been a fan since the late 90's, when I bought Mandylion... They certainly weren't my favorite band back then.. I liked Mandylion/Nighttime Birds a LOT but they became the band I love with albuns like Souvenirs and How to Measure a Planet..

Porcupine Tree- Like some of their old stuff, but it's not nearly as good as the recent stuff..

Samael- Not a huge fan of old Samael.. love them now!
Symphony X is probably the one band that has grown on me the most and they climbed into my number 1 favorite band spot after I saw them live at the Masquerade. I never kept up with them much before, as a matter of fact I didn't even see their show at ProgPower. I use to be one of those people that would only go to see the bands I knew, so Im glad that has significantly changed in the past few years.

Megadeth - I've really had no complaints about any album they've had, because no matter what direction they started heading, the last couple albums came back to what Megadeth is best at.

Pagan's Mind - I don't think I could ever stop liking these guys. Easily in my top 5 bands and will most likely stay there for a long time to come.

Edguy - excluding Rocket Ride (I only really enjoyed half of that album) Edguy is another example of me being ignorant to one hell of a band. This is most similar to my sentiments concerning Symphony X and my growth as a fan/listener. I kick myself in the ass for not going outside my comfort zone sooner.

Fear Factory - I know they have nothing to do with prog power or anything surrounding prog power but this band has impressed me for its past few releases. The earlier stuff I wasn't really into, but when I saw their live show during Gigantour, I couldn't refuse listening to the newer material and I my favor for Fear Factory continues to grow.

Wuthering Heights - The third album was good, the latest album latched onto my ears and I couldn't stop listening to it for a week.

Nightwish - Love the new singer. I didn't start really appreciating Nightwish until Nemo though, after that I really did get into every aspect of the band and the new album is great as far as Im concerned.

might add some more later.
Redemption. I enjoyed them the first time I saw them at ProgPower
but was not blown away; that changed this last time! I thought they
were one of the highlights of the festival, and immediately grabbed the
new album, which I'm guessing is one of the best of the year...
they might have only two cds, but fucking circus maximus. these guys are at the forefront of progressive metal in my eyes. isolate was just frickin brilliant, and the 1st chapter was an amazing cd to debut with.

i dont see how anyone could doubt these guys!

Hey i don't doubt Circus Maximus at all either, Isolate is a brilliant cd, they are great along with Pagan's Mind they are 2 of my favorites now of course along with TSO! :headbang:
I'll agree with the Circus Maximus suggestion. Didn't enjoy the first album, second one came around, enjoyed it and now appreciate the first one.
I'm going to throw Winds into the fray. After the first Winds album, I thought they were just an Arcturus knock-off, but especially since the release of Prominence and Demise, I enjoy their albums much more.