Bands you should check out


Tyrant in Distress
I was looking through this week and discovered a few bands that should be of interest to y'all:

Cea Serin (progressive/power/death metal. Singer isn't so great, but not bad. Great music)
Dysrhythmia (instrumental technical metal/progressive art rock. great stuff)
Echosilence (instrumental technical metal in the vein of Aghora/Cynic)
Futurism (instrumental technical metal band from Australia. Mostly programmed on a computer, but sounds really good)

I bet even metalized hasn't heard of all of them :) They're definitely worth checking out, especially the first 2. You can find samples for all of them on

I have been listening to the Dysrhythmia and Echosilence songs from and really like them. I might get the two Dysrhythmia albums from I also saw some other stuff there that I'd like to get including Andromeda "Extension of the Wish", Soul Cages "Craft" (only $6), and Martyr "Warp Zone". Cheers!
Originally posted by jimbobhickville

Actual Time (instrumental technical metal, though not as chaotic as most)

thanks for the plug for our stuff. we try to apply our chaos within the groove, pouring it on in places but backing it off in others.

we've got our second CD "time frame" coming out this month, Feb. 2002, only available through the band. our page on, , has two full songs fron the new CD and three from the old one. check it out! plenty of chaos in there... :)

Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Yeah, I was the guy who emailed you about the price on the new CD 'cause it wasn't on your page and about if you'd take Paypal(or maybe a lot did?). I'm still waiting for it to come out to buy both. I always am looking into new bands and telling people about them.

yeah, i remember that. we've had a few delays with the new CD, i had the flu for two weeks and now we've got some printing "issues" that we're working on, but we hope to have it out real soon. all the html for pricing and Paypal and stuff is written, we just need the CDs to be finished first! :)
Here's another cool band I found out aboot today they are called Degree Absolute, they just got signed to the Sensory label. They kind of similar to Zero Hour, there are a few songs on I think these guys are going to be pretty big as far as prog metal goes.
Degree Absolute is amazing! Just another reason why were bustin' our ass to work with their managment.
Claus seems to have it all together in getting his bands promoted, signed , gig's ect. ect.
hopefully he'll like us enough to work with us.

I think Sensory made a good move in getting Degree Absolute!:headbang:
Alright, add Mind's Eye to the list. Damn these guys are cool...metal and jazz mix perfectly, I don't know why there aren't more prog bands exploring that a little more.
Ah, Antithesis. Their full of thrashy goodness and enough angular riffing to keep this tech-metal head happy. I don't have their album, yet, it's on the list though!
Jimbo! You're into echosilence!! They are crazy! I've been into these guys for AGES... it wasn't me that plugged 'em was it?:confused:

They are great.
Yeah guys: Dysrhythmia's two cd's were the most played by me cd's in Jan.!

And today they were gigging in Austin! But DAMN!!! I can't drive myself and my friends were pretty busy today (I'm at College Station)... :cry:

Now I'm sitting here, listening to different weird music, and posting to usnets/boards :s

My additions to the "check out" list:

they've done with Dysrhythmia split cd (which I haven't grabbed yet). Check mp3s at and
Really rocking techmetal!

Power Of Omens ( and
progmetallers from (guess from where? ;) ) San Antonio! Smokingly complex and intense stuff!

Don Caballero (
they are math-rockers (what partly could be said about Dysrhythmia too ). And pretty good ones.

Kopecki (
melodic and not over the top technical but very fine and masterfull instrumental prog/metal.

Virulence (
I've already advised them in Dillinger's thread.

Doctor Nerve (
their "Skin" is just impossible to describe in usual words! Brain definitely is on the border of explosion during listening!

Happy Family (
have two very good albums of superb instrumental progrock with progmetal energy.

Tipographica (
lasercd had "God says I can't dance" for rather cheap. Headbreaking rhythms and jazzy grooves. Very inspirational!

One guy has a very nice sig:
"Originally posted by metalmancpa
I HATE genres - I like music"
- completely support!
