Biomechanical @ The Chicago PowerFest 2006!

eaeolian said:
You don't know the half of it - check out the Powerfest forum for my tale of woe..

Just checked it out :OMG:

eaeolian said:
On the plus side, the guys asked (Powerfest organizer) Rob if they could break in to the venue to play for me, which I thought was kind of nice.

eaeolian said:
BTW, Will, how long before the UM forum link in you sig fills the page? :lol:

Oh, it is slowly taking over. There is no countdown till judgement day, so there shall be no countdown for when my forum link swallows UltimateMetal in its entirety.
Haha, I love it when Americans say that, glory hogs! We do all the hard work, take the hard knocks then at the last minute you step in and play the heros...

Some people! :heh: :p :lol:
Matt Lee said:
Hey I just wanna say you guys were great Friday and I had a blast hanging out with some of you (especially when you randomly turned up in my hotel room :lol: ) and it meant a lot to hear you guys liked our set after we played on Saturday.

Hey man,

Was great meeting you guys and also we met the mentalist that is Matt from SoulKeep,

Was fun man and your band did kick ass @ the metalfest!