Black Lodge Music Video


New Metal Member
Jan 13, 2004
ok I already know I'm a decade late with this question but I just saw the music video for black lodge for the 1st time this past weekend (Much Music a.k.a Fuse rules!) and I was wondering if someone who saw the video more than once could fill me in on what happened towards the end of the video.

I thought it was the regular evil old woman stealing a younger body bit until the end and then I got thrown for a loop so I'm confused. Anyone help me out?
I got quite confused to. The man loves his immobile woman so much, she probably doesn't feel anything, he captures her alikes and "steals" something from them for her?
BTW, hilarious video. The best I've seen.
Thanks for the replies guys. I thought i totally misunderstood the end of the video but u guys got the same thing from it. I gotta admit though, up until the point where we realized that the guy was just stealing her sensations and not trying to kill her or anything I was really freaked out. The slow part of the song combined with the imagery of her being tied up and dragged into that basement just bugged me out.