Black Sabbath Tony Martin Era


After much talk with some of you guys on the board on wantint to pick up Headless Cross & TYR, I finally did tonight, great discs. I didn't remember what I was missing. I had Headless Cross on cassette when it came out & had never heard TYR, ever. I gotta pick up some more, there's another with Martin, right? I forget the title. Maybe there's two more. I goota look into them anyway! Martin has a lot of Soul in his voice, really works well with the songs written by that era Sabbath. Blows Ozzy away, but I think Dio could still take him!
Aha, nice topic to make some contorversy. The Tony Martin era.

Started with "The Eternal Idol" when it was clear that Iommi solo project ("Seventh Star") plagued by misjudgement of the label and bad mangement led to the dissolution of the remaining Black Sabbath as it was known between 1970-1978 (Ozzy era), 1980-1982 (Dio era I), and 1983 (Gillan era). I'm not counting the singers that didn't record. So 1987 saw an album under the moniker Black Sabbath (without anything else) some Tony Martin on vocals and some people helping on bass, drums and the faithful keyboardist Geoff Nichols (non credited as part of the band up to "Reunion" in 1996, shameful!)

Following "The Eternal idol" a not very much BS album (not doomy or gloomy), came in 1989 a wonderful album "The Headless Cross" (I got in vinyl with the sticker and the whole enchilada :p ), now Martin vocals are much more solid and defined. With Cozy Powell on drums and some Laurence Cottle on bass the band delivered a great heavy, dark, maybe among the most obscure lyrically albums. The came "Tyr" (1990) a departure from the "satanic/religious" lyrics into more myhtological (Norse) fields, also featuring a ballad type different from the classics 'Changes' and 'She's Gone' or 'Over And Over', a ballad more according to the American type of metal accepted at the time as commercial ('Feels Good To Me'), and a new bass Neil Murray. Then came the interregnum with Dio, Appice and Butler again ("Dehumanizer" 1992 :worship: ), only for the project to fall apart (Halford finished the tour, any live bootleg of BS with him will be subject of mass murdering in order to get it from my part :D ). "Cross Purposes" saw martin again at the helm with Butler still on and Bobby Rondinelli on drums, then a live album "Cross Purposes Live" (I don't consider it official and therefore I don't have it, I heard it and I didn't like the production) and then "Forbiden" in 1995 with Powell and Murray in the rythm sectiom. Produced by Ice-T guitar and with the collaboration of the rap/metaller, the album is the biggest crap in BS history and a sad way to end the Martin era (the only reason is still in my collection is due to completism).

The Martin era (not counting the Dio II gap) went from 1987-1995 (7 years) so Martin was more in BS than Dio was (4 years) and close to Ozzy (8 years), so basically Tony Martin have more rights in Black Sabbath than people we consider rightfully in the band IMO.

A couple of favs form each Martin album

"The Eternal Idol": 'Glory Ride', 'Lost Forever'
"Headless Cross": 'Headless Cross', 'Black Moon'
"Tyr": 'The Lawmaker', 'Valhalla'
"Cross Purposes': 'Immaculate Deception', 'The Hand That Rocks The Cradle'
"Forbidden": 'Shaking Off The Chains', 'Rusty Angels'
People always talk about Sabs feat. Ozzy, but Martin brought a lot to Sabbath with his awesome voice, I agree with you guys.

Has he sung in other good records since he left Sabbath?
Fangface said:
People always talk about Sabs feat. Ozzy, but Martin brought a lot to Sabbath with his awesome voice, I agree with you guys.

Has he sung in other good records since he left Sabbath?
There's another man with taste! Thanks Wicked & Byrant for working on me to get these records. Favorite tracks? I'll have to get back to you guys on that. Right now, I'm just getting acquainted with this fabulous era of Sabbath. :worship:
Fangface said:
People always talk about Sabs feat. Ozzy, but Martin brought a lot to Sabbath with his awesome voice, I agree with you guys.

Has he sung in other good records since he left Sabbath?
Wow Fang, now you got me. Usually you know much more than I :p

He sung in both The Cage project with Dario Mollo (not Cage the American band). Also in Rondinelli solo album, in Empire second album at least. Sadly I haven't heard any of them to give any recommendations.
Also I read he's is (was) involved in a tribute album these days, but I'm not sure.

Ah Flo, this is for you

OK found it:

TONY MARTIN has left M3, the tribute band to WHITESNAKE in which play the ex-WHITESNAKE Bernie Marsden and Micky Moody on guitars , on bass Neil Murray (ex-WHITESNAKE, BLACK SABBATH), and Jimmy Copley on drums (ex-PAUL RODGERS, GILLAN, BECK), plus Mark Stanway on keyboards (ex-MAGNUM). Is not known why Martin left the project. It seems that he may be involved with the new PHENOMENA album, due to the end of the year. Maybe is to form part of "A Whole Lotta Metal", a tribute band that will tour UK in May along 25 cities, in which three singers, one of them TONY, will play songs from BLACK SABBATH, LED ZEPPELIN and JUDAS PRIEST.
sixxswine said:
After much talk with some of you guys on the board on wantint to pick up Headless Cross & TYR, I finally did tonight, great discs.

Martin was the guy that sounded best on the ballads to me. The mid-tempo songs weren't his strongest, but he was good on the heavy ones.

The ballads I like are: Dying For Love, Nightwing and Cross of Thorns.

The heavier songs I like are: Headless Cross, When Death Calls, Born to Lose

I think Tony's best vocal work was with Misha Calvin, but with sabbath he had more to choose from.

Wyvern said:
Wow Fang, now you got me. Usually you know much more than I :p

He sung in both The Cage project with Dario Mollo (not Cage the American band). Also in Rondinelli solo album, in Empire second album at least. Sadly I haven't heard any of them to give any recommendations.
Also I read he's is (was) involved in a tribute album these days, but I'm not sure.
Ok, damn I thought you would have listened to all those records, you side-projects fanatic :p (and redhead fanatic too ahah)

It would be such a waste not to use his voice in a killer band.
sixxswine said:
Who would have thought that a thread on Tony Martin would have had this many posts?!
Because he deserve it. I don't understand how a band hasn't had make him an offer, the guy will make even the Sex Pistols sound good :lol:

@ Fang: I like CERTAIN side projects, and I found the pic of Simone looking for Martin data :p
Tony Martin! :headbang::headbang:

Stuff outside of Sabbath -

Back where I belong - solo project (more hard rock than metal)
The Cage - with Dario Mollo, great album.
The Cage 2 - ditto.
Guintini Project - with Aldo Guintini, some mixed stuff, but pretty good.
Misha Calvin/Evolution - Does about 6 tracks, good stuff once again.
Rondinelli - I really haven't spent a lot of time on this one... maybe it will grow on me.

Thats all i can think of off the top of my head. Can definitely recommend the Cage stuff.
I thought I was the only one that liked the Tony Martin era Sabbath albums, I'm glad to be proven wrong judging from the number of posts on this thread. My fave is Tyr, that while not as heavy as some other Sabbath albums, has great songwriting and a fantastic performance from Tony Martin. A close second is Cross Purposes which has more of the doomy feeling Sabbath is known for.
sixxswine said:
I have to pick up cross purposes next. I think Headless Cross is an incredible album.
Tyr is well written, but I liked Cross better!
Ditto here.

Listen for the feet as they pound the land to a tune of thunder

Watch as the legions ride again to a fate of death or torture

At the Headless Cross, at the Headless Cross