

Jul 30, 2006
hi, i was just wondering if anyone knows this band BRIMSTONE , and if anyone does then can you tell me what happened to them? cuz they released only one album in 1999 and i never heard of them anymore. so any answers ??
well i thought that ppl around here might have some answers , but guess not .


Height: 6'7"
Weight: 215 lbs (at least, before the whole Diox-3 incident)
Eyes: Pink
Hair: White
Features: Tombstone is an albino.

Created By: Gerry Conway, Alex Saviuk, Keith Williams
Real Name: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln
Current Aliases: None
Former Aliases: None
Dual Identity: None
Current Occupation: Professional mob enforcer
Former Occupation: None
Citizenship: U.S.
Legal Status: Known criminal record
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Confidants: Oh, Lonnie told Robbie everything, whether Robbie wanted to hear it or not!
Known Allies: The Kingpin. Hammerhead.
Major Enemies: Spider-Man. Darkhawk.
Usual Bases: New York City
Former Bases: Philidelphia
Current Groups: None
Former Groups: None
Education: High school

Powers & Paraphenalia
Strength Level: Normal human strength until the Diox-3 incident; super-human strength level after.
Powers: Lighting-fast reflexes, rock-hard skin.
Abilities: Lonnie is good at what he does, which is kill people.
Equipment: None.
Weapons: Most of Tombstone's hits were apparently done with his bare hands, although it's safe to assume he kept up the latest in mob weaponry.
Limitations: Joe Robertson.

Growing up in Harlem, a predominantly-black borough of New York City, Lonnie Thompson "Tombstone" Lincoln found his albinism made him a social outcast. He thought of Joe Robertson, one of the few people who didn't join in the taunts, as his friend, and developed a very strange sense of loyalty to Robbie. When Robbie's high school newspaper was going to publish a story about Lonnie's extortion activities in school, Lonnie intimidated Robbie into killing the story.

The two men parted company after high school. Robbie went on to become a newspaper reporter. Receiving info from a snitch that something important was about to happen, Robbie went to meet his informant, only to find him dead at the hands of his old high school classmate, Tombstone, who now worked as a mob enforcer. Once again Tombstone intimidated Robbie into silence, a silence he kept for 20 years.

Discovering he could no longer live with his guilt over suppressing the truth, Robbie testified in court against Lonnie, and was himself sent to prison for withholding evidence. Tombstone arranged to have Robbie put in his own cell block, where he made live miserable for Robertson, and even tortured a friend of his, Bruiser, to death. His will broken, Robertson refused help from Spider- Man, and allowed himself to be dragged along during a prison break. When Spider-Man's life was imperiled, however, Robbie attacked Tombstone, sending them both flailing out of the helicopter they were in.

Fortunately enough for both men (hey, this is comics!), they landed in a river in an Amish community and survived. When Tombstone threatened an Amish family, Robbie grabbed a pitchfork and defended them. Totally stunned that his "old friend" would turn on him, Tombstone walked away from the fight.

Becoming the enforcer for Hammerhead, Tombstone set up a trap at Osborn Chemical for Robbie, deciding that the time had come to end it between them. The trap was prematurely sprung by Spider-Man, the Molten Man, and Harry Osborn's Green Goblin. Faced with Lonnie, Robbie pulled a gun and shot him, sending Tombstone staggering into a room filled with Diox-3, an experimental plant preservative. The preservative gave Tombstone enhanced strength, impervious skin, and lightning fast reflexes. In a melee with Spider-Man at Hammerhead's compound, Tombstone was presumed killed when a munitions shed blew up.

Tombstone latter showed up facing off against Spider-Man's friend Darkhawk, and was one of a number of big-name super-villains that the Scarlet Spider fought against.
HUH???:err:^cool comic , but what does it have to do with Brimstone dude?