Brutal/Slam Death Metal

If you like Despondency, definitely check out Ingurgitating Oblivion and Resection (Resection features members/ex-members of Brodequin, IO, and Despondency!)
I'm surprised so many haven't heard the term. I learned it fairly early on as I was getting into death metal from wikipedia of all places. I think it has been defined well in this thread, and yes, I along with V5 can admit it is generic, repetitive at times, and not the most musical technical, but damn it I love it. It just has, as others have stated, a primal feel to it that makes me feel good.

@byrne: I have not heard Psycroptic, but from what I hear they are tech death not slam death.

@Dodens: For musical examples check out V5's post as well as Masturbating at the Slab by Devourment.
Not sure how many of you guys know of Days of Perversion. Kinda slam death, mixed with moments of Necrophagist/Beneath the Massacre tech. Not really my cup of tea, but check them out.
Anything hardcore influenced makes me want to stab people.

That being said, End of Days were an amusing deathmetalcore band (which, having just been coined by me, is a much better phrase than slam-death).
Is Despised Icon and Job For A Cowboy in this genre?They have that breakdown, unintelligent riffage going on.
swizzlenuts said:
Is Despised Icon and Job For A Cowboy in this genre?They have that breakdown, unintelligent riffage going on.
I believe they are deathcore, which while similar, is seperated from slam death by the use of hardcore vocals and more hardcore-esque riffing.

Killbot said:
Of course you can still call it death metal, just as brutal death can still be classified as just death metal, but if you want to describe a style more specifically, why not make more specific sub-genres? You can still use the more vague ones, just in some cases it's better to use an even more specific sub-genre to describe the music.
Thank you! Someone finally understands the use of subgenres. People incessantly bitch about subgenres and it gets on my nerves. They are there to help classification. If I want to find something similar to Devourment, it is much easier to look for a bands classified Texas slamdeath, than to look through everything labeled death metal.
Carcassian said:
That being said, End of Days were an amusing deathmetalcore band (which, having just been coined by me, is a much better phrase than slam-death).

"Deathcore" is a pretty modern genre...Despised Icon, Animosity, old Red Chord, Waking The Cadaver, etc.
They're OK, but I bet they'll get better because Keisuke signed them to Macabre Mementos...then again, that fucked up Terminally Your Aborted Ghost...