Can plants "feel" fear? Can they hear?

Aren't you vegetarian yourself? I think I might become one at some point in my life but this raises a lot of philosophical questions, doesn't it?
Vegan actually, and not for the animals. I thought it would help my anxiety issues (it didn't) and then it just became a habit. Plus it's pretty healthy if done right. I have been thinking about bacon for a while now. I might wean (is there a better word here?) myself back into some meat. Don't know for sure yet.

It would be interesting if it where ever found out plants can feel fear. I wonder how the ultra vegan crowd would react. This plant clearly defends itself.
Some animals eat only meat, some only grass/vegetables and others are omni.
Every carnivorous/omni animal has claws, not nails, and vegan animals have nails.
We have nails.

Anyway, gonna go prepare some hamburgers.. (I do want to become more of a vegan while still eating wood meat like moose [clean])

And poor plants... I have to go mow the lawn later... what a carnage.
Some animals eat only meat, some only grass/vegetables and others are omni.
Every carnivorous/omni animal has claws, not nails, and vegan animals have nails.
We have nails.

i bite my fingernails and my toe nails look more like claws (all my socks are destroyed) so i am free to eat meat without having a bad conscience right?
All herbivores have hooves, we do not have hooves, therefore, we are not herbivores.

Ants are omnivores, ants have antennae, humans do not have antennae, therefore, humans are not omnivores.

etc etc etc

Just some non sequitur logic for the day.
It would be interesting if it where ever found out plants can feel fear. I wonder how the ultra vegan crowd would react. This plant clearly defends itself.

Fruitarianism is already a thing and has been for a long time.
I think the reality is that any attribution of emotional states is anthropomorphising because plant nervous systems are so different. We already know that living things are biologically predisposed to want to live.

I can see it now, the STARVE YOURSELF signs. Save the Cauliflower!!! All the facebook posts with people stuffing their faces with cabbage made by PETP. MURDERERS
All herbivores have hooves
I was expecting this, my point was they don't have claws as a natural aspect of their design to hunt/kill/eat.
Ants are omnivores
Just some non sequitur logic for the day
I read somewhere that we don't process vitamin A contained in red meat like carn/omnivores do. Is it true or not, I don't know, but that's where they were arguing the nails/claws thing.
I wasn't really arguing with anyone, just saying in general, it's probably a lot more complicated than that whole "comparative anatomy" argument.

One argument is that vegetarians don't get enough active "B" vitamins and too much vitamin A (which can become toxic), that's just hearsay so it probably doesn't really mean anything.

If you're coming from the veggie corner you can find all sorts of arguments against eating meat, if you're coming from the meatie corner you can find all sorts of arguments about eating just plants.

The only thing you really should avoid in your diet like the plague is sugar....aka: the "white death"
I read the abstract of the study that they link in that IFLS article, expressed my thoughts, and not much later read a post by Gary Francione (a well known vegan advocate) which pretty much said exactly what I thought in a clearer way, so I'll just post it:

Basically, it doesn't conclude they "fear" or "feel", just that they react, which in many other ways we already knew. And if even they did "feel", it wouldn't affect most vegans' morality, it's still multilpe times less harmful than livestock.
I'm all open for plants having a distinct equivalent to our nervous system.

As of today, we haven't found it. We are finding more and more interesting things about them, that they react in more complicated ways than we thought. However, we can also setup complicated traps that are mechanical or chemicals, yet those traps don't qualify as sentient entities. As far as I know reading the articles, I don't consider the plant can "hear" the way the word is supposed to mean. It reacts to vibrations yes, but the fact it feels and emotes from it is yet to be proven.

Our brain is only chemical reactions though, of an enormous complexity, so I still find the subject a little bit fascinating.

On another note, I am more and more annoyed by IFLS article titles which are misleading and sensationalist. Not to mention they post the same things every other week over and over to get more posts.
About the vegan thing, why not, just make sure you actually really eat good alternatives to meat. I know only a few vegan, but more than half of them have to take pills of vitamins or iron because they were diagnosed with certains lacks at least a few times.
I am more and more annoyed by IFLS article titles which are misleading and sensationalist. Not to mention they post the same things every other week over and over to get more posts.

Unsubscribed last week because of that lol
Yeah, the one about the plants literally said "sorry vegans!!" As if the article actually debunked vegans' beliefs, when the actual study in no way reached such a conclusion. But the admin clearly has a personal thing against vegans, it isn't the first time she uses her own "interpretation" of science to condemn veganism, when ironically pretty much all the actual science nowadays fully supports it.
I too have noticed that IFLS seems to be not very interested in scientific conclusions and pertinent details about data sets etc. It's the same click-bait garbage as everyone else. I also hate the media garbage where one study equates to fact. That sort of sensational reporting is how guys like Andrew Wakefield turn science on it's head.