CD on ebay goes for $1,125.01 today. Wanna hear for FREE?

The seller probably turned a better profit on that one CD than the band did on the rest of them back in 93.
I think it's great that a cd can go for that in this market, that's part of the coolness of having an underground scene where pressings are limited and do in fact go out of print, that is part of why it's cool to buy cd's because they do in fact retain a value and in some cases appreciate greatly when they go out of print for collectors. I've seen some of my old GEMINI stuff go for almost $200 on ebay and that as an artist feels pretty good. That will be reissued soon by the way, for those of you that have pre-ordered the remastered double CD set lol.

I think its a 2 way street. I agree with you on what you say but theres another aspect where these sellers like to hype up these rare indie releases with bullshit marketing gimmicks, and descriptions. Most of the descriptions for a lot of these so called "must hear" masterpieces are nothing but overhyped junk. I'm really into the obscure Hard Rock and Hair Band scene and Im always amazed at some of these snoozefests.

With Gemini at least the hype is worth it, and I own both releases on CD as well as both cassettes! The Barracuda cover kicks ass! LOL!

Im surprised Anamal hasnt chimed in yet, he knows even more about these obscure releases than me!
john..i agree about the "the stuff" cd being subpar to other rare/obscure indie cds (theater / sexy lady.. hard knox / psychos r us) , but there is always some collector willing to drop big coin. you can almost be certain that "The Stuff" cd will start to show up more often and the value will diminish significantly. The auction high bidder has a history spending exhorbant amounts on cds. And the rumor is that the " The Stuff" cd is going to be question is ..WHY..
I am a collector and to have vintage cds in mint condition is the name of the game. Also most people who collect are into completion to see a disc like this most likely gave them heart failure that is why "33" bids was thrown this discs way. Yes you can get down loads and fill your i pods ect with music like this but to a true metal/rock collector that dosnt mean shit. Its all about the full original art work and the whole package. Down loads ect ruin collecting for the true die hard collectors and fans of the music. The average smoker spends $1000 to $1400 dollars a year to kill themselves and not show anything for it when they are smoked and gone accept medical bills. What is 1200 dollars for a disc that can be resold or listened to your whole life.
I am a collector and to have vintage cds in mint condition is the name of the game. Also most people who collect are into completion to see a disc like this most likely gave them heart failure that is why "33" bids was thrown this discs way. Yes you can get down loads and fill your i pods ect with music like this but to a true metal/rock collector that dosnt mean shit. Its all about the full original art work and the whole package. Down loads ect ruin collecting for the true die hard collectors and fans of the music. The average smoker spends $1000 to $1400 dollars a year to kill themselves and not show anything for it when they are smoked and gone accept medical bills. What is 1200 dollars for a disc that can be resold or listened to your whole life.

Theres always 2 sides to every story. Downloads of rare discs (and by rare I mean RARE) ruin collecting for who? The select few who have 1,000's of dollars to piss away on a few CD's? Last I checked music was meant to be enjoyed, and you know LISTENED to? Its great that people love to collect, and have the original CD with inserts ect......I am one of those people but I draw a line someplace. You make a comparison to smoking which is irrelevant because not all of us are smokers. You could say anything then..."oh some people spend 1000s <insert hobby/addiction here>. That doesnt mean in order for me to wanna hear a band that might sound good, I have to spend 1,000.00 or more. Thats ridiculous.

Once a CD is that scarce, and out of print IMO its fair game unless the band has intentions to reissue, or re-release it. My old band MOMMY DEAREST only released 200 demo tapes. I am working hard trying to find a label to release it because I want the music to be heard by fans of the genre. I would release it myself but dont have the funds upfront to get a few 100 silver pressed CD's made.

I'm all for collecting, and people spending what they want on CD's however I'm also for music being heard like it was intended too at a reasonable price (and by reasonable Im even going as high as say $50.00).

Lets not even get into the over hyped, and over exaggeration of many of these CD's descriptions. "oh must hear" "cant afford to not have this CD in your collection" "sounds just like classic Skid Row" etc etc. Than you hear the disc, and it sounds like some garage band with tinny drums, hollow guitars, and weak mix that sounds like it was recorded in basement with an overhead mic. These tactics are used to generate a false hype about a particular band, and get the trigger happy collector to bite on a bidding frenzy. Have you heard this band that went for 1200 plus dollars? Its average at best! Someone paid 1.00 in a bargain bim somewhere, and got 1200.....whats funny is the band isnt seeing the money , the seller is. So if anyones losing out its the band.

And boy how ironic.....THE STUFF sells for 1200.00 and magically 2 more appear on ebay. LOL whatever.

The bands WASHED and MURDER BAY are doing the smart thing. They know that the music they released wants to be heard what are they trying to do? Remaster the songs, and release it at a fair price for music lovers such as me to enjoy. The collector can still buy the ORIGINAL pressing, and I can hear the music at a fair price. Its a win win situation for all.
By no means would i think that all smoke that would be silly. It is relevant on a big scale because i was proving the piont that people as you would say "piss" thier money away on different things and with that being said i have no problems with smokers to each his or her own. Yes i agree that i have like many other collectors rolled the dice on out of print cds and waited for them to possibly be re- issued i have won some on this strategy and lost out on others that is part of the game. I have found out of print cds in pawn shops and was very pleased to have finneshed a bands complete collective works. I have, just as you do, limits to what i will personaly spend i have never spent $1200 on a cd but, i do have friends who collect that have spent close to this on discs most of the time its out of print mint jap discs. Like or dislike some collecters get a serious rush off a good find. Smart collectors will sit back at times and take a chance on another copy showing up and snaging it under the radar for 3/4 the price the first one went for. Its a game for most collectors and its what makes it fun for them. Music is to be listend by all i couldnt agree more and not all will agree that some cds should sell for stupid money but that is just the way of things. Chairs are made to sit on by all, and most made out of wood but your great grandmothers dinning room table chair may be worth $8000 to $10000 dollars. No matter what you collect there are pieces that are going to go for stupid money if the timming is right. On a different note Drumrman i wish you luck on getting your old bands stuff out there. I am not wanting to war with anyone just bullshitting opinions ect.
Chairs are made to sit on by all, and most made out of wood but your great grandmothers dinning room table chair may be worth $8000 to $10000 dollars. No matter what you collect there are pieces that are going to go for stupid money if the timming is right. On a different note Drumrman i wish you luck on getting your old bands stuff out there. I am not wanting to war with anyone just bullshitting opinions ect.

Thanks a lot for the kind words on my old band..... I appreciate it. (if your at all curious to hear it ) :)

I'm glad you brought up the comparison to a antique chair, because IMO that goes in my favor of the discussion. Sure maybe I cant sit in THAT chair, but I can sit in one just like it. Any skilled craftman can duplicate a piece of wood furniture. IMO this would be like comparing an original CD to a copy on mp3, or CD-R. ;)