Ceremonial Oath?


Lunatic ov God's Creation
Dec 11, 2004
Bitchville(Belleville), NJ. USA.
First of all I'd like to say hi since this is my first post on the board. I've been a huge DT fan ever since last year when I got into death metal thanks to In Flames. Greetings to all the fans.

I've heard some rumors about the oldschool melodic deathmetal band Ceremonial Oath being ressurected sometime soon, featuring Anders Jivarp on drums. Are these claims true? Can anyone give me more info on this? I've already checked out CO and I really liked them. Kind of like the early In Flames. Any info and welcomings are appreciated. :wave:
Welcome soeru. It seems you got good taste in music. I cant help with the re-unition thing, I know zilcho about it. But anyway, this boards awesome, get posting around and you'll see, this forum is a collection of some smart hilarious and just generally nice people.
There was some talk about this back in early 2003 with Jivarp doing a record with CO later that year, it was even up on the official Dark Tranquillity-site. It was said that some of the In Flames members would take part in it too, but for some reason it never happened and I've got this feeling that it will not exactly be the next thing coming up. It will probably take a while, if it ever happens.

I'd sit tight and wait 'til the user Tranquillian on this forum sees this thread - he might share some info if you ask him nicely.
it's on the official DT FAQ. I'm looking forward to that, because CO is really cool. but i don't know what i should expect from Anders Fridén as being a singer on that band. because i don't like his 'new' voice on the current In Flames album.
we'll see... but maybe it's really better to keep this oldschool band how it is.
Straight from Anders:

"tyvärr finns d ingen tid för det just nu, men vi pratar fortf. om att göra ngt när alla har lite tid över ( typ aldrig)...."

Unfortunately there is no time for it right now, but we are still talking about doing something when everyone has time over (which is like never)....
Tranquillian to the rescue.
Heh, thanks for the responses and greetings.

A shame, I'd like to see what they'd sound like after so many years. Maybe they can get Mikael Stanne to do the vocals? Well, I won't hold my breath.

I'm sure Anders must be busy with his kid and his band Passenger, and the other guys like Jesper are probably tied up with their other bands(Dimension Zero, anyone?).