Changing forum skin?

Is there anyway to change, in particular, this forums color scheme to something less taxing on the eyes? Its bad enough to have a black background but the brown makes it harder to read too... lets get some lighter colors going on - like maybe the ones in my avatar! Orphaned land is all about dark & light right?
I think it would be a nice change to have some picture(probably from Mabool) on top besides the orphaned in the Katatonia forum but it's not a necessity and changing the color of the forum is not necessary either IMO.
All the other bands have a last album related skin on their forums, so I think that you have to do the same.

But in a few months we will have ORwarriOR released, so we can wait until then.:)
Ko_B said:
combinning Mabool cover is a good idea, Avish?

Yes why not?
Show me which logo you like to add to the page and we'll work on it.
Orfanos said:
All the other bands have a last album related skin on their forums, so I think that you have to do the same.

But in a few months we will have ORwarriOR released, so we can wait until then.:)

According to Steven Wilson ORWarrior is currently being written and recording will start at the end of 2006 or the beginning of 2007 so I guess we have more time than you think