Cheap Drums...


Living Atlantis
Nov 26, 2001
Kathmandu, Nepal
I've got a problem... I've got this very NEW band called Schizoid... and right now, all we've got is a song under preperation and 2 Metallica covers, because it was easy (Fade to Black, Nothing Else Matters) We reside way off in Nepal, and we wan't a good drum. Anything around $80 is okay, and that's hard. We dont' want pro ones, simple ones only.. and oh yea, we're all of 13 (believe it or not) we can't afford too much. So, I have to go in search in the country (no online shopping), and would like suggestions. Under NRs. 7000 would be good (around $80)... I know, we're cheap.
Well, odds are you wont find a new set for that price anywhere (unless its one of those mini ones for 5 year olds). But yeah, Ebay is great for that kind of stuff. You can probably find a cheap set of yamaha or tamma drums that somebody is looking to get rid of. Well, hope this helped a little.