Chick Singers


Stoner Guitarist
Sep 19, 2003
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I've got my friends at school into quite a lot of good quality metal music. They seem to be ok until they hear a chick singing and they instantly call it cr@p because theyre isnt a guy doing heavy vocals, it really pisses me off. Does anyone else have this situation? or similar things
Power metal sucks, along with the geigh vocals. Introduce them to some metal with GOOD female vocals... Sinister, Demonic Christ, or Derketa.
Yeah a lot of guys refuse to listen to any female vocals. I think its a mysogonist thing a lot of guys have going on. Play them something with a female extreem vocalist, maybe they'll like that...
Pure f***** discrimination! Tarja Turunen rules! :headbang: She's a proof of how women in metal are powerfull. Cristina Sccabia too, and Sharon from Within Temptation, and many many more.
Tarja is generally a good singer, but she's like the nu-metal of opera vocals. She sounds decent singing along with Nightwish, but she's not that great when it comes to singing pure opera... I don't really think it's discrimination, considering the guys this person is talking about probably don't much like the high pitched male vocals that usually go along with power metal (or the other similar genre's discussed), either. It's all a matter of taste. As I said, for the heavier female vocals - Sinister, Demonic Christ, and Derketa rule.
I've already introduced them into Arch Enemy, even before i told them about the singer being a chick they thought he was possessed or something. Then when i told them her name was Angela Gossow they nearly shat their pants. I showed them some nightwish, which they hated. They also hated any music like theatre of tragedy, alas, lacrimosa, avantasia, lacuna coil which they dont like because of the female vocals. I just dont get it, i dont see whats wrong with female vocals. It sounds great in some good doom or goth metal.
Why the hell don't you get it? Just because you like it doesn't necessarily mean it's good and that other people will like it too. People have different tastes, stop trying to push that lame music on them and let them listen to some good form of brutal metal with heavy female vocals; or hell, stop trying to push the female vocals altogether.
Your friends are idiots. Find some people who have an inkling of common sense, people who realise that women not only make more than competent Heavy Metal vocalists, but bring a sense of style and aural aesthetics that male vocalists cannot achieve.
I don't have a similar situation, but I guess I can see where your friends are coming from. Since metal is the heaviest, most aggressive form of music, many people tend to think of it as a distinctly male form of music. I think that female vocals don't fit with every type of metal. For instance, females can't do those low grunts associated with brutal death metal. I think that female vocals can fit nicely into lots of gothic metal, power metal, and maybe even black metal.
I quite the band I was in because it was starting to sound like nightwish and all that shit. I will sing back vocals but I for sure don't want to front, but that is what every one wants. They just want to check the chick out. Fuck that, I HATE LACUINA COIL AND NIGHTWISH. But Doro and Kimberly can pull it off. I just really hate the soft and pretty metal metal, there is no such thing!!!! Every band that has asked me to sing wants that shit why????
Don't forget Lori too (Nuclear Death). I got a Mythic anthology recently, really like Danas vox on this.
Sharon (Derketa) is with Eviscium now, shall be interested in hearing thier stuff (can't get anything to work off their site) especially as Mark (?) outta Rottrevore is in with it!
Valan_SDM said:
Don't forget Lori too (Nuclear Death). I got a Mythic anthology recently, really like Danas vox on this.
Sharon (Derketa) is with Eviscium now, shall be interested in hearing thier stuff (can't get anything to work off their site) especially as Mark (?) outta Rottrevore is in with it!

NUCLEAR DEATH!!!!!! Probably the filthiest, sloppiest, most vile, repellent, ugliest music ever. They RULE.

dumbasses, never get kiddies at school into metal. I tried and the only band anyone here likes is Opeth....everyone else i know laughs at bands like Dimmu Borgir, Death, Entombed, Cannibal Corpse, Cattle Decapitation, Vital Remains, Arch Enemy, Deicide, Darkthrone and Children of Bodom. :yell:

Back on Topic: Arch Enemy is so far the only band i've listened to where i like the female vocalist.