Circus Maximus PPIV

Would you like Circus Maximus to perform NINE in it's entirety at PPIV?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • No

    Votes: 33 80.5%

  • Total voters
Tough one. I'm inclined to say yes, although with a running time of almost 60 minutes and set set time of 75 minutes it would only leave time for 2-3 songs from the first 2 albums.
Gonna have to go with "No" on this. While I've really warmed to the material on Nine, it's still not an album I love front-to-back. If they had two hours, maybe, but at 75 minutes they just have too much material to spend most of their set on one album.
so let me get this straight, we are going BACK in time to PPIV (PP4) and Circus Maximus is going to be added to the bill to play an album that won't be out for another 9 years???
That's like asking if we want Maiden to play the entire Virtual XI album in their next tour.

I know this is mostly hyperbole in jest, but comparing an almost universally reviled album from a band's catalog to one that is far from that, seems a little silly. I think Nine is their best by a country mile and know quite a few others that agree. I don't know anyone that thinks Virtual XI is a great album, let alone the best of Maiden's catalog.
I love CM like the next guy. However, we need to be real here. They are not headlining and only doing a limited 75 minute playlist. Play from all their CDs is the smart bet.
Nine - no
The 1st Chapter - hell yes

I'm with ya! It seems like musically the band regressed with "Nine". The progressive metal magic was missing and they just made a melodic hard rock record instead, which is fine if that's what they love to do, but they are capable of so much more that from a talent standpoint.....It was a disappointment. "The Prophecy" is still one of their best songs.

I'm hoping they jump back on their game with the next CD and blow us away with the musical wizardry they are known for....
Don't see what people talk about when they downplay the musicianship on Nine, they're probably at their best on that album. Granted, it's not as metal and because of that it's my least favorite, but the musicianship is as top notch as ever.