
How did you find 'Y the Last Man'? I loved the first half of it but found the ending really a bit disappointing. The whole 'reveal' kind of fizzled rather than exploded and I'm still not entirely sure what the hell happened. It was an amazing idea that I don't think was fully resolved at the end. Maybe Vaughn is great at coming up with ideas but not as confident in ending them? Have you been reading 'Saga'? Should I check it out?
I agree on Y: The Last Man, started reading it and liked it but just got mot and more uninteresting as it progressed.

When it comes to Snyder I think his best run was in Detective Comics before The New 52. Actually, the more I read The New 52 the less I like it. It's just a mess of crossovers between uninteresting titles that I don't care about, and the reinstation of some Vertigo characters back in the DC Universe is kind of embarassing.
How did you find 'Y the Last Man'? I loved the first half of it but found the ending really a bit disappointing. The whole 'reveal' kind of fizzled rather than exploded and I'm still not entirely sure what the hell happened. It was an amazing idea that I don't think was fully resolved at the end. Maybe Vaughn is great at coming up with ideas but not as confident in ending them? Have you been reading 'Saga'? Should I check it out?

I haven't read Y The Last Man or Saga so I can't say.
Great interview and refreshing to see that a publisher has those opinions on The industry. I (as i said in an earlier post) think The New 52 is pretty bad or not even bad but just so bland and uninteresting. Issue after issue with nothing ever happening, no wonder they have to reboot to spark some interest.

In the same way I'm not thrilled at all about marvel taking back Star Wars, I think Dark Horse did a perfectly fine jobb and gave us alot of great comics.

This is also a reason I enjoy alot of european comics more (and some creator owned american ones), they are generally more about the story at hand and not about promoting a franchise and not as bound by stupid "shackles" that the publisher is too afraid to move away from, dictating how characters can act, what is ok to write etc.
This is also a reason I enjoy alot of european comics more (and some creator owned american ones), they are generally more about the story at hand and not about promoting a franchise and not as bound by stupid "shackles" that the publisher is too afraid to move away from, dictating how characters can act, what is ok to write etc.
Although I've been out of the comic game for some time and have only recently came back to the fold, one of the things I find so great about the comic world these days is, unlike the film industry for example, the entire landscape doesn't seem to be dominated by the giant names and independent, creator owned comics can get by just fine and even gain a huge following. Of course they'll always be publishers that'll resort to the re-boot. Its really no different then what film studios are doing with all the nonstop remakes and franchise sequels. I'd like to think that at some point more people will get wise to the fact that they're essentially settling for regurgitation. Plus its not like its impossible to take certain established books and expand the storyline rather then hit the reset button every few years.
Although I've been out of the comic game for some time and have only recently came back to the fold, one of the things I find so great about the comic world these days is, unlike the film industry for example, the entire landscape doesn't seem to be dominated by the giant names and independent, creator owned comics can get by just fine and even gain a huge following. Of course they'll always be publishers that'll resort to the re-boot. Its really no different then what film studios are doing with all the nonstop remakes and franchise sequels. I'd like to think that at some point more people will get wise to the fact that they're essentially settling for regurgitation. Plus its not like its impossible to take certain established books and expand the storyline rather then hit the reset button every few years.

All this is true. There's a great comic store in my city that is on two levels and contains just so much material, with two large walls for DC and Marvel, but the entire rest of the store basically for all the other stuff. There seems to be a really healthy interest in all sorts of different titles beyond the old faithfuls.

I think a lot of it depends on what you're used to as well. For instance, Aquaman right now is really entertaining, but maybe part of that is because it's a novelty to me. Geoff Johns, however, is a great writer. He's the reason I'm going all the way with Green Lantern too.

It was only today that I read about the possible DC reboot, which is pretty surprising to me because I only just started getting into the New 52! As was pointed out in that interview, some of the high ranking single editions were Marvel #1s, but then the #2s didn't even make it on the top 1000 or something! So clearly it pays to relaunch with #1 editions but jeez, how long can they keep that up??
DC has pretty much killed off a lot of long time readers with their endless relaunches to troll after the younger demographics. The relaunch they are doing this time is supposedly to have the continuity of the books more in line with what's going on in the movies and TV shows.

I read just one DC title and I'm probably going to drop that one too.
So, rereading Locas by Jaime Hernandez for the 1000th time. Any fans?
The best drama/slice of life-comic ever imo. A punk/goth/grunge series with the perfect blend of relationships, humor, sub culture life style, and just great great characters (who are not usually stereotypical to the medium) and great art and writing.
DC has pretty much killed off a lot of long time readers with their endless relaunches to troll after the younger demographics. The relaunch they are doing this time is supposedly to have the continuity of the books more in line with what's going on in the movies and TV shows.

I read just one DC title and I'm probably going to drop that one too.

Which title are you reading by the way? And yeah, while I can sympathise with any company having to come up with ideas to keep its head above water it is at the same time really depressing that they need to keep going back to #1s. There is just too much competition these days with movies, games and the internet - comics are almost a relic of the past. In a sense that's sort of why I like them.

By the way, I just finished the Geoff Johns run of Aquaman and I guess everyone is probably laughing at me going on about Aquaman, but I was seriously impressed. The ending actually gave me quite a thrill. I thought, if people could see this they'll just love it. He's such a great writer. I'm going to work my way through his (shorter) Green Lantern run now too.
I've heard good things about the new Aquaman from several sources actually. I know the guy running what used to be my local shop when The New 52 was launched went on about how it was his favorite of the (re)launched titles. Personally I've never really read much about Aquaman outside Justice League som I never gave him a chance and now I have terminated all my DC-subscriptions except for a few Batman-titles. Maybe I should buy the first trade and give it a try.
Which title are you reading by the way? And yeah, while I can sympathise with any company having to come up with ideas to keep its head above water it is at the same time really depressing that they need to keep going back to #1s. There is just too much competition these days with movies, games and the internet - comics are almost a relic of the past. In a sense that's sort of why I like them.

By the way, I just finished the Geoff Johns run of Aquaman and I guess everyone is probably laughing at me going on about Aquaman, but I was seriously impressed. The ending actually gave me quite a thrill. I thought, if people could see this they'll just love it. He's such a great writer. I'm going to work my way through his (shorter) Green Lantern run now too.

The one DC title I'm reading is Deathstroke. When the New 52 first launched I read the first story arc for Aquaman and thought it was decent but I wasn't adding it to my pull list. I also read Green Lantern Corps for a while but that bored me at some point and I dropped that too.

I was reading the He-Man book until they canceled it to start the Eternity War series. But I don't really consider that a DC title, more of a licensed book.
I've heard good things about the new Aquaman from several sources actually. I know the guy running what used to be my local shop when The New 52 was launched went on about how it was his favorite of the (re)launched titles. Personally I've never really read much about Aquaman outside Justice League som I never gave him a chance and now I have terminated all my DC-subscriptions except for a few Batman-titles. Maybe I should buy the first trade and give it a try.

The Aquaman series I liked most was when it was written by Peter David.
I've heard good things about the new Aquaman from several sources actually. I know the guy running what used to be my local shop when The New 52 was launched went on about how it was his favorite of the (re)launched titles. Personally I've never really read much about Aquaman outside Justice League som I never gave him a chance and now I have terminated all my DC-subscriptions except for a few Batman-titles. Maybe I should buy the first trade and give it a try.

Go for it. I'd never read any Aquaman before the New 52, so I had no idea what I was in for, so I just pretty much went with it. It got better and better until the end of the fourth trade and the end of Geoff Johns's run and I was convinced. I guess it depends, what you're looking for though, and if you're still keen on Batman (see my mini-rant in a previous post) then you never know.

I can say this with confidence, I am waaay more entertained by Johns's Aquaman compared with Snyder's Batman.
I got the first two trades of Saga by Brian K Vaughn yesterday, and I'm very keen to see how it goes.
Invincible is probably my favorite comic. Written by Robert Kirkman (the Walking Dead) Excellent superhero book.
Saga is fairly new and im way behind on it, but I loved the first 15 or so issues. It's like a mature crazy Star Wars.

Have you read much of the Star Wars comic books?

I picked this up the other day on a whim, never read any Star Wars stuff before.
