
Hey bro,

I've been ask this question a few times now and I have to check these kats out. What title should I pick up from Coroner?

I look forward to getting their disc and YOU RULE sknight!!!

oooh damn another band to check out :) love finding/hearing new music!!!!! my life is a constant seach for good music!!!
Hey J,
The band broke up a long time ago and they actually started out as the roadies for Celtic Frost. They were a trio of brilliant and virtuoso musicians, especially Tommy Vetterli on guitars. There is some sick stuff there.

They started with RIP, which was highly technical speed metal with some chaos thrown in. Then Punishment for Decadence brought them better lyrics and a more melodical and dark approach. No More Color is a cold, raw, and very technical album and widely thought to be their best. Mental Vortex brought them a slightly more mature, melodic, and warm sound with developed themes. They slowed down on the follow up, Grin, but the album was no less interesting and no less Coroner. The songs were longer, still dark, and surprisingly varied. The element of dark humor from previous albums was even more prevalent here. Their last album was titled Coroner and was composed of never released songs, along with alternate versions of previously recorded ones. Excellent.

Marquis Marky was the drummer and lyricist. He was also a graphic designer, so the covers always had a cohesive theme across all of them that couldn't be mistaken for anything Coroner. The original back covers always had a shadowy picture or drawing of the three guys so that lended to the mystery even further. You never got a good picture of how these guys looked. No More Color had an ok one, and the original mental Vortex was better, then Grin had them in the shadows against a black background so you couldn't see shit, while RIP had three urns.

RIP through Mental Vortex have been recently reprinted, though not exact, the music is the same. I recommend No More Color and Mental Vortex to start off. Last year there was talk about them playing a fest, but it's not to be. I spoke to Tom G Warrior a couple months ago and he confirmed this fact. It's unfortunate, but the reality. They have gone to other things in their lives.

Check out and their write up about Coroner. Pretty accurate.
Keep an eye on your PM box, too.
I remember a song called masked jackel, they played on mtv, killer guitar runs on that song.

so the drummer is marky mark??? too funny
I recommend Punishment for Decadence and No More Color in the first step. Although i think Punishment is better, No More Color has better production and it is a must have. Also RIP kicks ass too :)
Thanks so much for getting back to me on what goods to pick up by these kats. I'm getting close hitting Tower and Rasputins records this way and buy a bunch of CD's.

YOU ALL RULE and thanks so much for bringing this to my attn.

METAL and hope you all had an awesome weekend.

I heard the Celtic Frost is going to be really good. (Heard from a friend at C.M.)

I remember playing a fest with Destruction in Germany and those guy's kicked ass.


