
Cryptos Grimm

Haserot/Spectral Manifest
May 1, 2006
I enjoy the old school German thrash trio quite a bit. First time I ever heard them was on Headbangers Ball back in 88-89, they played the Masked Jackal video and I was hooked instantly.

I remember getting the cassette tapes from Columbia House for the 1st 3 albums. R.I.P., Punishment For Decadence, No More Color, Mental Vortex... all classics.

Now there is a band that I wish would reform.
Just for the record it was a Swiss band no German. And indeed they´re were the best or one of the best thrash acts ever, and I know at least delize will agree with me :)
My favourite thrash metal band ever, everything they've done is amazing. Mental Vortex being the absolute top of the line for me.
The last album they did "Coroner" which was a mix of unreleased, and songs from previous albums, was good as well. The new/unreleased songs were a continuation from Grin...but a lot of jazz was thrown in the mix. One of the best, and most underrated Metal bands...ever. Not a bad album from Coroner. My fav. is No More Color. I still wear my Mental Vortex shirt with extreme pride!
I just recently listened to Punishment For Decadence and I thought it was a really good album. I'll probably pick up the other albums sometime soon