Could be Interesting- Queensryche with Todd La Torre

This whole concept to me confirms to me that everyone but Geoff want Queensryche to be metal again. They might as well just split at this point.
I would love it to become more than just a Queensryche old tunes band. Maybe they will do some new material getting back to pre-Promised Land material (although I did like Promised Land, that was the last one I did like). I worshipped Tate for years, he was the reason I became a singer back in the day, but he just hasn't got the juice for it anymore, not the metal anyway and hasn't for a long time. If the other stuff was good I could live with it, but it isn't.
This whole concept to me confirms to me that everyone but Geoff want Queensryche to be metal again. They might as well just split at this point.

Better yet, kick Geoff out and get this guy to take over.

I've been lucky enough to have the chance to meet a lot of members of many of my favorite bands over the years, and Geoff Tate is the only one who was kind of a dick.
I have a better idea. How about CRIMSON GLORY write a new record worth a shit with Todd singing on it. dude is amazing, but let's get a Crimson Glory record done first. They still need to redeem themselves after that whole "Astronomica" debacle. This coming from a fan who LOVES "Strange & Beautiful" :)
Also, let's be fair. Geoff cannot sing like the old days and to expect him to be able to do so is silly. Honestly, listening to these clips he is nowhere near as good as Mr. Tate in his glory days and i think we forget what an amazing vocalist he was in his hey-day and that is not easily replaced.

I personally would have called the band Surgical Strike or Neue Regal, but that is just me and i am obviously better at naming bands than they are. ;)

EDIT: Mr. Torre is NOWHERE CLOSE to even being as good as classic Geoff Tate on those two video (clips or whatever). Sure he can hit high notes but he has no technique like Geoff for the middle and lower ranges. I would rather sit at home and spin The Warning on vinyl that go watch this band. This only further proves why those first 5 Queensryche records remain untouchable.
I have a better idea. How about CRIMSON GLORY write a new record worth a shit with Todd singing on it. dude is amazing, but let's get a Crimson Glory record done first. They still need to redeem themselves after that whole "Astronomica" debacle. This coming from a fan who LOVES "Strange & Beautiful" :)

I actually liked Astronomica, not close to Transcendence of course, but I thought it was good.
I have a better idea. How about CRIMSON GLORY write a new record worth a shit with Todd singing on it. dude is amazing, but let's get a Crimson Glory record done first. They still need to redeem themselves after that whole "Astronomica" debacle. This coming from a fan who LOVES "Strange & Beautiful" :)

Seriously, how long has that been pending? Not as long as the promised CG box set, but still...
I would love it to become more than just a Queensryche old tunes band. Maybe they will do some new material getting back to pre-Promised Land material (although I did like Promised Land, that was the last one I did like). I worshipped Tate for years, he was the reason I became a singer back in the day, but he just hasn't got the juice for it anymore, not the metal anyway and hasn't for a long time. If the other stuff was good I could live with it, but it isn't.

Well, there's always Malison Rogue.
The make or break thing with these guys is whether any of the them are at all capable of writing a good song. None of them have had an songwriting impact in Queensryche in a very long time. They just let Tate do his thing, and even bowed down to Jason Slater during the writing of O:M 2. I just kind of got the idea that the creative juices had stopped flowing long ago for Ed, Scott, and Michael. I don't hold out much hope, but I'll probably give them a chance to prove me wrong.

Not sure if anyone heard the story, but there were some problems between band members (Queensryche, that is) during the South American tour. In fact, I read that Tate and one of the guitarists actually got into a fist fight during soundcheck in Sao Paulo...

I wouldn't be surprised if QR is done.
on the knife:

on stage at Rocklahoma:

If I was there, I would have walked out after hearing that. After reading everything about them lately I'm not surprised of his poor attitude. When I saw them open for Priest in Tampa they played a lot of their heavier material and guess what...? The crowd was into it. It's hard to find a 'Ryche fan who actually likes anything past Empire/Mindcrime.
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